51 BIRKBECK COLLEGE COURSES We have received information about two part- time courses held over two years starting in January each year. One is -for a Certificate and Diploma in Field Biology and the other for a Diploma in Countryside Management. Information from:— The Secretary for Field Biology, Birkbeck College, Centre for Extra-Mural Studies, 26 Russell Square, London, WC1B 5DQ. SURVIVOR When least expected - it happens. Not planned or contrived anticipated or urged. An event - a fleeting glimpse of perfection. There, on a low branch of pine near the roadside a Barn Owl! In daylight, gold and white it moved its head, dark eyes held our gaze. Frozen in awe we stood transfixed - not daring to move. When it flew into the wood weaving through trees a silent wish winged behind 'stay safe and survive beautiful bird and all your kind. Forgive us your absences we're learning ...... slowly' . MARGARET VERNON