2 PUBLICATIONS At the last Council Meeting the future of Field Club publications was discussed. A sub- committee was formed and asked to make recommendations for later consideration by Council. In November David Agassiz, John Dobson, Del Smith and myself spent 21/2 hours discussing what could be done. At present, the money from subscriptions does not cover the costs of printing the Naturalist and two Bulletins per year and subscriptions may have to rise in 1992. We considered changing the format of the Naturalist as we felt that there was a lot of information about the natural history of the county which is not being recorded in print. The next issue is on Epping Forest and we are suggesting that, while monographs will still be published, from time to time issues of short papers should also appear. We considered replacing the Bulletin with a quarterly newsletter, or up-grading the present Bulletin. The Council would be grateful to hear of Members' views on this. Please send your comments to me, Mark Hanson, at 28 Sylvan Road, Forest Gate, London E7 8BN