12 water tank in the loft. One was actually found sitting on the ball cock! Of the other species, a new roost of Leisler's bats was -found at Hook End where they spent two months. What was probably the same group spent several days in Blackmore (3 km away) be-fore disappearing for the summer. The Aveley colony peaked at 62 and then left be-fore the breeding season commenced. A new record for Noctule was of one seen feeding over the lake of Audley End house, but the best views of this species was of about 30 bats feeding together over pasture at South Woodham Ferrers in late May. This has been a regular sight in the spring for the last few years. Only one new Serotine 10 km square was re- corded. This was of 13 bats emerging from a Braintree house in August. Further evidence of this bat's presence in Essex churches came with the finding of droppings at Gt. Henny, Canewdon, Elmdon, Chrishall and Maldon, with a dead juvenile (and plenty of droppings) found in Asheldham church. At a regular site at Abberton, at least three different properties were occupied on a small estate during the year. flatterer's bats bred again at Bradwell and another colony is present in the Fyfield area with a young male found dying from cat— inflicted wounds in the village in August. These were the only records away from hibernation sites.