13 Overall, 1990 was again a successful year for observing bats, but it may not have been as successful for the bats themselves. The summer drought, following cold weather in June, may have led to fewer insects being available and bats being unable to put on sufficient weight for a successful hibernation. Only next year will tell! JOHN DOBSON ESSEX BUTTERFLY ACTION Essex Butterfly Action is a joint action plan by the Essex Wildlife Trust and Butterfly Conservation. It aims to: locate the remaining colonies of the rarest butterflies and ensure the conservation of these colonies survey butterfly numbers and habitat features on conserved land (not just nature reserves, but also country parks, set—aside farmland and roadside verges) as a way of monitoring the success of the habitat conservation management techniques used in these areas re-establish locally extinct species of butterflies in Essex on suitably managed land and to monitor the success of the new colonies. Help is needed NOW for the first two parts of