16 East London is helping these charities with the scientific organisation of Essex Butterfly Action. DAVID CORKE MOUNTAIN FLOWERS IN NORWAY In my opinion Norway is underrated by us British for holidays and having thoroughly enjoyed several visits there ranging from Telemark in the south to North Cape which is half way to the North Pole, I thought it would be well worth taking a specialist botany holiday (more like a study tour) this year to the Dovrefjell area. The base for ten days was at the Fjellstue or mountain lodge at Kongsvold situated in a National Park on the highway between Oslo and Trondheim, about 100 miles south of the latter at an elevation of 1000 metres. The ground rises fairly steeply here on both sides of the valley, on the west towards Norway's second highest mountain, Snohetta (2286 metres), and on the eastern side to the lesser Knutshoa. The river Driva runs through the valley alongside the railway. The Dovrefjell National Park is one of seven- teen established under government auspices at various dates since 1962, and covers an area of 265 sq. km. The importance of the area is demonstrated by the siting at Kongsvold of the University of Trondheim Biological Station which was the venue for the 1987 International