23 MAMMAL MEETING REPORTS GENERAL MEETING 1552 BAT WALK 29th JUNE, 1990 Twelve members and friends met on 29th June for the E.F.C. Bat Walk at Hanningfield Reservoir. During a hot summer of warm evenings, this proved to be an exception with cool, blustery weather perhaps being a deterrent to the bats. After walking approximately 11/2 miles round the concrete bank no bats were seen until within 100 yards of the car park! Then, in a sheltered corner, good views were obtained of several Serotines (Eptesicus serotinus) and rather more Pipistrelles (Pipistrellus pipistrellus). Identification was confirmed by use of a bat detector. After 15 minutes observing these animals we made our way back to the car park only to find both species hunting above the cars! JOHN DOBSON BADGER MATCH One of the highlights of this summer's tele- vision programmes was to see Don Hunford's badgers performing on television on three consecutive evenings. This group of badgers in Thundersley has been studied for thirty years and each individual can be identified (by name!). Badgers are observed from a small garden hide that accommodates five people and a sprinkling of peanuts draws them closer for