25 the afternoon were sightings of Fox, Rabbit, Brown Hare, Grey Squirrel and Pipistrelle and several members saw Tawny Owls in flight. All in all this was an extremely successful meeting and our thanks are due to Brian Eastcott for providing the deer! JOHN DOBSON RED DEER AT WOODFORD BRIDGE Anyone who has travelled south down the M11 will know the particularly nasty sweeping left—hand bend as the motorway passes the old gasholder at Woodford Bridge. On 29th October, 1990 at about 7.30 a.m., Epping Forest keepers were called to the M11 where a Renault car had hit a deer. The keepers found the deer was badly injured and put it down. On examination it was found to be a 15 month old Red Deer stag, weighing 290 lb. It was later discovered that three deer had been seen in the area the previous evening. This sad record is of great interest as it has been many years since red deer have been recorded in the Woodford area.. One theory is that they may have gained entry further north in the county and come south on the hard shoulder of the motorway.