29 hunting insects over the E.N.T. Reserve and a Whinchat perched on the fence outside. In the scrub area we noted Greenfinch, Gold- finch, Linnet, Yellowhammer and Whitethroat. In total 27 species were recorded. JOHN BATH GOLDHANGER AND CHIGBOROUGH, 14TH OCTOBER, 1990 The 12 members who gathered at Goldhanger Church to walk eastwards along the sea wall on a breezy but generally bright morning were well rewarded. The tide was receding so that, by the time we reached the inlet by Joyce's Farm there was plenty of mud uncovered for the waders who were there in excellent numbers, Oyster Catcher, Ringed Plover, Turnstone, Grey Plover, Dunlin and Redshank were seen. Here also were several Shelduck and a large flock of Brent Geese. Roosting on an adjacent field was a group of Golden Plover and a Kingfisher flashed over the borrow dyke. Great Crested Grebe and Cormorants were on the estuary and as we strolled back Red Legged Partridge were added to the list. After lunch at Chigborough Lakes we toured the Reserve, but this proved a disappointment, some of the pools were completely dry, the paths somewhat overgrown and the normally resident Ruddy Duck were nowhere to be seen. We did, nevertheless, see Little Grebe, Mallard,