ESSEX FIELD CLUB Report of Council-1976 Council. The Council of the Club met six times during the year and are pleased to report a year of no great difficulties and many varied activities. At the Annual General Meeting in April, held at the County Education Centre, Broomfield, T. Lording and Mrs H. Morris retired from Council and I. Misselbrook and G. Kibby came on. A. Boniface and Dr P. Allen were the Group nominations for Botany and Geology Group representatives respectively. Membership. At the end of the year membership stood at 340, an increase of 14 on the previous year. Meetings. 39 meetings were held during the year, 11 general, 27 informal and one dinner. Of the general meetings 2 were held in Chelmsford, 1 in Brentwood, 1 in Stratford, 1 in Barking and 6 in the field. Informal meetings were as follows: Mammals 9, Botany 7, Geology 3, Birds 3, Pond Life 2, General 2 and 1 dinner held by the Geology Group. At the indoor meetings we were pleased to be addressed by George Cansdale on his travels in Palestine, Dr Twigg on Rats, Andrew Macleish on Bats and Dr Owen on Her- bivores and Man. The photographic competition in February produced a fine range of wildlife slides judged by Dr Corke. The winner of the competition was D. Hunford. D. Jones the curator of the Chelmsford Museum showed us some unusual objects from the museum collections and invited us to view the galleries. Outdoor meetings as usual were well attended. 50 members and guests attended the May ramble in Epping Forest led by Mr Parker. The meeting to Mill Green to listen for nightingales was even more popular with some 70 members having to be split into two more manageable parties. The fungus foray at Mill Green attracted 60 members. The annual foray in Epping Forest was also popular and met after the meeting at the Epping Forest Con- servation Centre where we had the usual display of specimens and refreshment. Our thanks to the Warden and Director of Studies for the use of the excellent facilities at the centre. The all night mammal group meeting in June saw some 45 people watching for badgers, identifying moths and watching for deer at dawn the following day. In October, 50 members met at Danbury for a Mammal Group Meeting when 6 dormice were discovered in bird nest boxes. Another ramble along the sea wall at Goldhanger attracted 70 members and guests. At the Annual General Meeting of the Mammal Group the competition for the identification of mammal objects was won by R. Cowlin. Exhibitions. We take a pride in our wildlife exhibitions and are always pleased to be invited to exhibit our activities and show something of the range of Essex wildlife. Displays were put on this year at the Dagenham Town Show, the Billericay Community Fair, the Chelmsford Community Fair, Writtle Fete and the Ingatestone Show. Our particular thanks go to the Chelmsford Museum for the loan of stuffed animals and to the many members who helped in stand construction and running. Publications. Volume 33 pt.3 of the Essex Naturalist was issued under the editorship of Dr D. Corke and two further issues of the Bulletin were edited by R. Cowlin and R. Allen. Our thanks to all those who contributed articles and papers and particularly those who assisted with the binding and envelope filling. Finally, Council would like to thank all those who have contributed to the activities of the Club and not least the ladies and gentleman who helped with the refreshments at our various meetings. 2