Whitehead (1964) states that wild red deer are no longer found in Essex and I have been unable to find any further records of wild or feral animals occurring in the county until September 1964, when two red deer stags were seen in Skreens Wood (TL6209) at Roxwell (Macpherson, 1964). One of the deer was shot by the late Mr J. G. McCathie who gave me its antlers. The deer's teeth were not retained, unfortunately, but the appearance of the antlers suggest that the animal was probably a yearling. 1965-1976 records The post-1964 records of red deer in Essex are summarized in Appendix 5 and shown on Map 6. In 1965 there were no records of wild red deer breeding in the county, although a hind and the tracks of a stag were seen at Grassall's Wood, Great Yeldham in July 1965. A forest worker saw two stags in this wood, also in July 1965, describing them as: "two huge deer, big as cows, with branching an- tlers". By 1970, a small herd of red deer had become established in Great Bendysh Wood and Little Bendysh Wood (Plate V) at Radwinter, about 15 km Map 6. Distribution of red deer in Essex, 1965-1976. 23