Caldwell, J. R. Caldwell, R. E. Chaplin, Mrs N. G. Chapman, J. Chappell, B. J. Clark, Mrs K. Claydon, M. Claydon, G. K. Cook, P. Cooper, D. Corke, R. A. D. Cowlin, R. Critchley, P. F. Curtis, I. Dallas, S. Davy, L. Day, R. Daynes, J. Doe, Miss M. F. Drake, C. Dunham, B. D. Eastcott, Mrs M. Eastcott, R. I. P. Eden, F. J. Ellis, G. Elmes, Mrs R. Elmes (R.El), R. Embleton, Essex County Constabulary, T. P. Evans, W. G. Fiske, D. H. Gardner, O, F, Gay, Edith M. Goodchild, J. V. Gosling, D. J. Gray, T. Green, A. Gudgion, V. Halsall, N. L. Harris, R. Harris, S. Harris, C. C. Haworth, J. J. Heath, D. T. A. Hendrie, Miss C. Hickling (C. Hi), C. Holmes, K. E. Hoy, P. G. Hoy, H. Huggins, M. Hum, D. J. Hunford, K. Hunt, C, W. Hutchings, M. E. Jakobson, F. Johns, S. A. Kilford, Miss M. Knight, J. Lander, H. Lauritzen, Miss J. Leeder(J.Le), D. Levey, G. A. Levy, B. Long, T. Lording, Mrs A. Low, Mrs B. Marsh, K. Marshall, M. C. K. Mayhew, P. W. McDonald, Miss B. E. McKenness, M. Meadows, Metropolitan Police, T. Morton, R. Newbery, C. E. Owen, W. W. Page, M. J. Parker, M. T. Parker, B. J. Peachey, B. R. Perrett, C. Pitman, Mrs J. Pitman, C. B. Pratt, J. C. Purdom, Miss B. Pygott, H. Quelcher, C. E. Ranson, P. J. Relph, Mrs S. T. Reynolds, Helen Rice, M. Scales, Mrs M. Schoefield(M. Sc), D. R. Scott, Miss E. Seaman, H. J. C. Seymour, Mrs C. Skinner, P. Skinner (P.Sk), W. Smith (W.Sm), W. Smith, Miss E. Sones (E. So). Mrs F. Spurrier, P. S. Stansbridge, P. Stothert, A. C. Streeter, S. J. Swan, J. M. Swieszkowski, C. Taylor, A. Thompson, J. J. Tufnell, R. A. J. Turner, Mrs P. V. Upton, J. T. Vaizey, A. E. Vine, D. R. Wallis, B. T. Ward, M. Warren, C. G. Waters, P. Webber, V. Weir, M. A. Weller, R. Wells, L. G. West, A. Wheeler, R. S. Whistler, A. F. Whybrow, C. S. Whybrow, J. Wigmore, G. C. H. Wilsdon, J. Wilson (J. Wi), B. H. Wood, L. Woods, J. Yates. It is usually invidious to single out people because all records, great or small, are welcome. However, I must mention J. M. Swieszkowski ('George') who bicycled over much of Essex in search of deer, contributed records for 33 of the county's 61 ten kilometre squares and who supplied vir- tually all the 'negative' records. Information on deer parks, the history of deer in Essex and the distribution of deer in Hert- fordshire has been supplied by Professor L. M. Cantor, M. Clark, Colchester and Essex Museum (J. Heath, C. E. Owen), R. A. D. Cowlin, Essex Record Office (K. C. Newton), Forestry Commission (the late G. F. Ballance, P. Beale, J. S. P. Sale, H. Searle), Hitchin Museum (T. James), Institute of Terrestrial Ecology (H. R. Arnold, Mrs B. Jarman), Lord Petre, A. Qvist, Mrs F. Spurrier and J. J. Tufnell. The Survey was sponsored by both the Essex Field Club and the Essex Naturalists' Trust. Financial support towards the organisation of the Survey was received also, via the Essex Field Club, from the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust and The Nature Conservancy. I am most grateful to all these organisations for their support. The late K. Marshall, at that time Curator of the Passmore Edwards Museum, kindly arranged for record cards and information sheets to be duplicated. I thank R. A. D. Cowlin for drawing the outline map of Essex and D. Corke, B. D. Eastcott, G. Elmes, Essex Weekly News, C. W. Hutchings and P. Richards for allowing the photographs at- tributed to them to be reproduced. P. Beale, B. D. Eastcott and my wife kindly read and criticised the manuscript. Finally, I am most grateful to David Corke for typing the entire manuscript and to Lydia Malim for drawing the beautiful cover illustration. REFERENCES ANON. (1898). Number of deer in Epping Forest. Essex Naturalist 10: 292. ANON. (1900). Deer in Epping Forest. Essex Naturalist 11: 52. ANON. (1904). The deer in Epping Forest. Essex Naturalist 13: 38-39. ANON. (1945). The Epping Forest survey: Third year. Report on the survey of the Cuckoo Pits area, 1942-44. London Naturalist 24: 39-65. 30