SOILS Soil classification Table 1 indicates the main soil groups associated with the geological deposits. The soil group names are from the classification of soils used by the Soil Survey of England and Wales (Avery 1973) which is a national framework within which to introduce the soils of the Forest. The things classified are soil profiles, limited to a volume (about 1 m3) that can in practice be adequately described and sampled as a single entity. A soil profile thus consists of suc- cessive horizons, commonly aligned roughly parallel with the ground surface, within the biologically active upper metre of the Earth's mantle. Profile classes are defined at four levels, namely major group, group, subgroup and series, by progressive division. The extended legend to the Soil Map of England and Wales published at a scale of 1 to 1 million (Avery et al. 1974) summarises the classification, but since the terminology is likely to be unfamiliar to most non- specialist readers, a brief outline of what one needs to know is given below. The factors which influence the development and distribution of different soil profiles in specific localities include permeability and water regime, nutrient status, lithology, and man, directly and indirectly through vegetation. The water regime imparts characteristic properties to the profile. In well drained and moderately well drained soils the subsoils are well aerated showing chiefly Table 1. Classification of the principal soils of Epping Forest. Major Soil Group Soil Group Brown soils Argillic brown earths Podzolic soils Gley-Podzols Ground-water gley soils Alluvial gley soils Argillic gley soils Humic gley soils Surface-water gley soils Stagnogley soils Lithology and Geology Loamy; Bagshot and Claygate Beds Loamy over gravelly: Glacial and River terrace Gravels Stony loamy over clayey; Pebble Gravel Loamy and clayey; river alluvium Loamy; Bagshot and Claygate Beds Loamy and sandy; Bagshot and Claygate Beds Loamy over clayey; drift over London (or Claygate Beds) Clay Clayey; London (or Claygates Beds) Clay Clayey; Boulder Clay Stony loamy over clayey; Pebble Gravel 9