equal to 1690 modern acres. The trees are specified for 11 of the parcels as follows: Hornbeam in 10 parcels Blackthorn in 2 parcels Oak in 9 parcels Birch in 1 parcel In five parcels the oaks were described as "husbands", i.e. pollards (12). The standing wood and timber were usually valued at from 6s 8d to 26s 8d the acre. For a large acre, these would be rather less than the value of underwood alone in a coppice; but in two parcels (one with birch specified) the value was as high as 40s an acre. 2. A survey in 1565 of Hainault Forest and of various private groves within the legal Forest. The Hainault part, which probably refers to a different part of the Crown lands from those surveyed in 1544, is as follows: There is one Great Comon in the said Forest called Chappie Hennault wood containing 1132 acres whereof the one half is without wood or under- wood except only certain short shrubbed thornes of small or no value, the rest is thinly set with oak and hornbeame which have been lopped and topped and with some great thornes 566 acres There is one other Comon wood called West Hennalt wood containing 284 acres whereof 204 acres are wast or set with short thornes of no value, the residue is set with oak and hornbeame usually lopped and with old thornes 80 acres 3. An investigation in 1582 of recent activities in Monk Wood, Loughton (65). Muncke Wood, containing as it is measured 53 acres 65 poles at 21 foote to the pole (i.e. 86 modern acres); whereof there is waste ground in the same Table 6. Survey of trees on Crown land, 1604 (37). The last two columns are my calculations. The cubic feet per tree are roughly estimated on the basis that oak was worth 7d a cubic foot standing. Wastes in Stapleford Tymber trees 325 148 0.455 16 (i.e. wood-pasture to N.E. Decaying trees 11,393 284 0.025 of Hainault Forest) Havering park Tymber trees 78 71 0.915 31 Decaying oakes 860 668 0.777 27 Other decaying 8176 760 0.093 trees Waltham forrest Tymber trees 2674 1813 0.678 23 one third parte done Sapling oakes 2494 97 0.039 1.3 per estimacionem Decaying oakes 1810 750 0.414 14 firewood trees 36,294 2025 0.056 37