REFERENCES 1 Acts of Parliament 41-2 Vict. c. 213. 2 ADDISON, W. (1945). Epping Forest: its literary and historical associations. Dent, London. 3 BOULTON, H. E. (1965). The Sherwood Forest Book. Thoroton Soc, Nottingham. 4 BUXTON, E. N. (1884 and later eds). Epping Forest. 5 Calendar of Charter Rolls 2: 313. 6 Calendar of Close Rolls. 7 Calendar of Patent Rolls 1377-81 199. 8 CHAPMAN, D. I. (1977). Deer of Essex. Essex Nat. n.s. 1: 3-50. 9 CHAPMAN, J. & ANDRE, P. (1777). A map of the county of Essex. London. (Reprinted, Essex County Council, 1970.) 10 Commissioners of Sewers of the City of London v. W.B. Glasse and Others. Court of Chancery Proceedings (1874). 3 vols. 11 EMMISON, F. G. (1970). Elizabethan life: disorder. Essex County Council. 12 English Dialect Dictionary (1898-1905) ed. J. Wright. Frowde, London. 13 Epping Forest Commissioners: Proceedings (1877). 14 Epping Forest Commissioners: Final Report (1877). 15 Essex Record Office D/DB Ll/5/8. 16 Essex Record Office D/DB Ll/5/9. 17 Essex Record Office D/DB Ll/5/10. 18 Essex Record Office D/DB Ll/5/16. 19 Essex Record Office D/DHfM59. 20 Essex Record Office D/DQt 122. 21 Essex Record Office T/M 5. 22 Essex Record Office T/M 125. 23 Fairmead Lodge (1898-9). Essex Nat. 10: 294-6, 11: 56. 24 FISHER, W. R. (1897). The Forest of Essex. Butterworth, London. 25 Hainault Forest (1909). Essex Nat. 16:285. 26 HART, C. E. (1966). Royal Forest: a history of Dean's woods as producers of timber. Clarendon, Oxford. 27 House of Commons Journal (1793) 48: 512-522. 28 House of Commons Journal (1801-2) 57: 960-1. 29 JONES, E. W. (1959). Biological flora of the British Isles: Quercus L. J. Ecol. 47:169-222. 30 LIBBY, W. F. (1970). Radiocarbon dating. Phil. Trans. roy. Soc. A 269: 1-10. 31 LIEBERMANN, F. (1906). Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen, vol. 2. Halle. 32 MUNBY, L. M. (1977). The Hertfordshire landscape. Hodder & Stoughton, London. 33 OXLEY, J. E. (1958). Essex and Henry VIII's Navy. Essex Countryside 6: 177. 34 PEPYS, S. Diary. 18 Aug. 1662. 35 Public Record Office E178/3785. 36 Public Record Office LRRO 5/39 (I am indebted to J. Sheail for the transcription). 37 Public Record Office SP 14/42. 38 RACKHAM, O. (1974). The oak tree in historic times. The British oak (ed. M. G. Morris & F. H. Perring), Faringdon, 62-79. 39 RACKHAM, O. (1976). Trees and woodland in the British landscape. Dent, London. 40 RACKHAM, O. Ancient woodlands: their plant life, history and uses. Edward Arnold, London (in press). 41 RACKHAM, O. The Forest of Neroche and the fuel supply of the Donyatt kilns. Forthcoming in Excavations in the Donyatt potteries, Somerset. ed. R. Coleman-Smith &T. Pearson.). 42 RACKHAM, O., BLAIR, W. J., MUNBY, J. T. (1978). The thirteenth-century roofs and floor of the Blackfriars monastery at Gloucester. Medieval Archaeol. (in press). 43 Radiocarbon (1975). 17: 260-1; (1976) 18: 257. 44 RAMSBOTTOM, J. (1937). Dry rot in ships. Essex Nat. 25: 231-267. 45 REANEY, P. H. (1935). Place-names of Essex. Cambridge. 46 Report of the Royal Commission on the New Forest and Waltham Forest (1850). 56