ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am grateful to Peter Etheridge and Key Hoy for discussion of parts of this paper, and for allowing me to make use of their own records. I should also like to thank the British Trust for Ornithology for allowing me to make use of their data. REFERENCES BAKER, Colin, MOXEY, Paul and OXFORD, Patricia (1978). Woodland continuity and change in Epping Forest. Field Studies. 4, 645-669. BATTEN, L. A. and MARCHANT, J. H. (1977). Bird population changes for the years 1974-1976. Bird Study, 24, 159-164. BERRY, R. J. (1977). Inheritance and Natural History. Collins, London. BEVEN, G. (1951). The bird population of an Oakwood in Surrey (Eastern Wood, Bookham Common). London Naturalist, 30, 57-72. BEVEN, G. (1953). Further observations on the bird population of an Oakwood in Surrey: I. London Naturalist, 32,51-77. BEVEN, G. (1956). Further observations on the bird population of an Oakwood in Surrey: II. London Naturalist, 35, 21-32. BEVEN, G. (1959). The feeding sites of birds in dense Oakwood. London Naturalist, 38, 64-73. BEVEN, G. (1963). Some addition and amendments to the check-list of birds of Bookham Com- mon. London Naturalist, 42, 98-100. BEVEN, G. (1965). The feeding sites of birds in grassland with thick scrub. London Naturalist, 43, 86-109. BEVEN, G. (1976). Changes in the breeding bird populations of an Oakwood on Bookham Com- mon, Surrey over twenty-seven years. London Naturalist, 55, 23-42. BOWLT, Colin. (1962). The history of the Woodlark at Ruislip, 1949-1961. Journal of the Ruislip and District Natural History Society, 11, 21-23. BUXTON, Edward North. (1898). Epping Forest. Edward Stanford, London. CHALKE, S. H. (1954). Vertical zonation of some species of birds in Oakwood. London Naturalist, 33,47-51. CHRISTY, M. (1890). The Birds of Essex. Chelmsford. CROOKS, S. E. (1967). The decline of the red-backed shrike in the Ruislip area. Journal of the Ruislip and District Natural History Society, 16, 26-30. CURRIE, P. W. E. (1950). Notes on the summer resident birds of the western plains. London Naturalist, 29, 92-97. DAVIS, P. E. (1977). Changed feeding habits of siskins and lesser redpolls. Birds Study, 24, 127- 129. DOUBLEDAY, Edward. (1836). Remarks on the entomology of Epping and its vicinity. The Entomological Magazine, 3, 147-159; 283-292. GLEGG, W. E. (1929). A Histon of the Birds of Essex. London. HUDSON, R. and PYMAN, G. A. (1968). A Guide to the Birds of Essex. Essex Bird-Watching and Preservation Society, Chelmsford. IRVINE, June. (1977). Breeding birds in New Forest braod-leaves woodland. Bird Study, 24, 105- 111. LONDON NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY (1924). The Birds of Epping Forest. London Naturalist, 3, 36-41. LONDON NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY (1937-1977). London Bird Report, 1-41. 13