Carnivores Foxes, weasels and stoats are the only members of the Carnivora still to breed in the Forest. They are common and widespread. Table 3. CHECKLIST OF EPPING FOREST MAMMALS See Corbet and Southern (1977) for the authors of the scientific names. Only those species considered to be present in the last 100 years are included. Key * present, breeding in the Forest o present ? possibly present and breeding + extinct — date of most recent breeding record follows species. * Erinaceus europaeus (Hedgehog) * Talpa europaea (Mole) * Sorex europaeus (Common Shrew) * Sorex minutus (Pigmy shrew) ? Neomys fodiens (Water shrew) ? Myotis mystacinus (Whiskered bat) ? Myotis brandti (Brandt's bat) ? Myotis nattereri (Natterer's bat) ? Myotis daubentoni (Daubenton's bat) ? Eptesicus serotinus (Serotine) ? Nyctalus leisleri (Leisler's bat) * Nyctalus noctula (Noctule) * Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Pipistrelle) ? Barbastella barbastella (Barbastelle) * Plecotus auritus (Common long-eared bat) ? Oryctolagus cuniculus (Rabbit) * Lepus capensis (Brown hare) + Sciurus vulgaris (Red squirrel) c. 1958 * Sciurus carolinensis (Grey squirrel) * Clethrionomys glareolus (Bank vole) * Microtus agrestis (Field vole) * Arvicola terrestris (Water vole) * Apodemus sylvaticus (Wood mouse) * Apodemus flavicollis (Yellow-necked mouse) * Micromys minutus (Harvest mouse) * Mus musculus (House mouse) * Rattus norvegicus (Brown rat) ? Muscardinus avellanarius (Dormouse) * Vulpes vulpes (Fox) + Martes martes (Pine marten) c. 1883 * Mustela erminea (Stoat) * Mustela nivalis (Weasel) + Mustela putorius (Polecat) c. 1880 + Meles meles (Badger) 1961 + Cervus nippon (Red deer) c. 1820 + Capreolus capreolus (Roe deer) c. 1923 o Dama dama (Fallow deer) * Muntiacus reevesi (Muntjac) 23