FITCH, E. A. (1891). The Lepidoptera of Essex. Essex Nat. 5: 74-108. HARWOOD, W. G. (1903). Lepidoptera. Victoria County History of Essex. HATTENSCHWILER, P. (1978). The status of Proutia Eppingella Tutt, 1900 (Lepidoptera: Psychidae): Entomologist's Gaz. 29: 219-220. HUMPHREYS, H. N. & WESTWOOD, J. O. (1845). British Moths and their Transformations. London. KLOET, G. S. &. HINCKS, W. D. (1972). A check list of British Insects. Second Edition (Revised). Part 2: Lepidoptera. London. MEEK, E. G. (1867). Entomologists' Annual 1867: 160 MENDOLA, R. (1891). The Lepidoptera of Leyton and Neighbourhood; a Contribution to the County Fauna. Essex. Nat. 5; 153-172. MERA, A. W. (1929). Stray notes on the Butterflies of Epping Forest. Essex Nat. 22: 201-202. NICHOLSON, C. (1932). The Lepidoptera of an Essex Wood. Entomologist 65: 1-7. SOUTH, R. (1941). The Butterflies of the British Isles (Edn. 2). London. SOUTH, R. (1961). The Moths of the British Isles (Edn. 4). 1 and 2. London. STAINTON, H. T. (1854). Insecta Britannica London. STAINTON, H. T. (1857-59). A Manual of British Butterflies and Moths. London. STEPHENS, J. L. (1834) Illustrations of British Entomology, Haustellata, 4 London. THURNALL, A. (1902). A list of Tortrices taken in south Essex between 1885 and 1901. Entomologist 35: 129-134; 167-169; 188-193; 108-211. V.C.H. (see Harwood) WOOD, W. (1854). Index Entomologicus, London. de WORMS, C. M. G. (1953-57). The Moths of London and its Surroundings. London Nat. 33: 101-146; 34: 66-107; 35: 33-76; 36: 55-59; 37: 136-214. Certain records are from my draft list of the Microlepidoptera of Essex, due to be published c. 1979 (as No. 5 in the Essex Naturalist series). 42