from areas beyond the limits of the Forest sensu Buck, include at least 38 ad- ditional to those listed by Buck (1955) or in Table 5. A number of these are very early records for "Epping" and its district by Doubleday (1836):- Rantus aberratus Gemm. & Har., R. exsoletus (Forster), Dytiscus semisulcatus Muller, Berosus affinis Brulle, B. luridus (Linn.), Oiceoptoma thoracicum (Linn.), Trox sabulosus (Linn.), Ampedus cardinalis (Schiodte), Strangalia melanura (Linn.), Callidium violaceum (Linn.) and Hylotrupes bajulus (Linn.). Species taken by E. A. Newbery at Highams Park, but unknown from Epping Forest sensu Buck are:- Clivina collaris (Herbst), Trechus micros (Herbst), Atheta celata (Er.), Aloconota insecta (Thoms.) and Psylliodes napi (Fabr.). Four species taken at Walthamstow towards the end of the nineteenth century, in association with wood ants, by Butler, have not yet been found in the main body of the Forest. These are Myrmetes piceus (Payk.), Dendrophilus pygmaeus (Linn.), Monotoma conicicollis Aube and M. angusticollis Gyll., nineteenth century records for further species not known from the Forest sensu Buck in- clude Teretrius fabricii Mazur, Stenus nanus Steph., Xantholinus angularis Ganglb., Velleius dilatatus (Fabr.), Neuraphes sparshalli (Denny), Oligota flavicornis (Boisd. & Lac), Bruchidius ater (Marsh.), Ampedus cardinalis (Schirodte) and Aphodius porcus (Fabr.), all at Wanstead, and Leptacinus fornicetorum Markel at Wood St., Epping. Incidentally, records of Onthophilus punctatus (Muller) and Agrilus viridis (Linn.) (see Levey, 1977) for "Woodford" (December 1864, J. Power) are quite likely to relate to specimens taken at some other locality, as Power's diaries (in BM(NH)) make it clear that he was given the specimens, by Desvignes, when on a visit to Woodford. 20th century records for areas not covered by Buck (1955) include Lesteva pubescens Mann. at Walthamstow, Quedius fulgidus (Fabr.) and Cilea silphoides (Linn.) at Woodford, Brachypterolus vestitus (Kies.) at Wanstead, Helops caeruleus (Linn.) from "near Epping", Metoecus paradoxus (Linn.) from "Chingford", Bembidion quadripustulatum Serv. and Graphoderus cinereus (Linn.) at Upshire. All of these are unknown from the Forest sensu Buck. The identity of Upshire specimens of the last-named species has been checked, and they prove to be the true Graphoderus cinereus, rather than either of the two other species of the genus now known to be British. Other areas which historically formed part of the Forest of Essex, but are not included in the Epping Forest of today are also known to support interesting beetle faunas. For example, some twenty beetle species unknown from the Forest proper are known from the woodlands (Coopersale Common, etc.) which adjoin the Lower Forest, although several of these are associated with planted conifers found in Ongar Park Wood. DISCUSSION OF THE FOREST BEETLE FAUNA The beetle species known from Epping Forest sensu Buck (1955) thus number in the region of 1332 (a few of these resting on rather slender evidence), while a further 39 species may be added to this list if other areas of Epping 48