MACKECHNIE JARVIS, C. (1932). Bembidion dalmatinum Dej. var. latinum Netolitsky: Preliminary notice of a Coleopteron hitherto unrecorded from Great Britain. Entomologist's mon. Mag. 68: 134. MACKECHNIE JARVIS, C. (1946). Bembidion dalmatinum Dej. var. latinum Net. (Col., Carabidae) is not a British insect. Entomologist's mon. Mag. 82: 196. MORRIS, M. G. (1977). The British species of Anthonomus Germar (Col., Curculionidae). Entomologist's mon. Mag. 112: 19-40. NORMAN, J. S. (1844). Notes on the capture of Coleoptera in Hainault Forest. Zoologist 2:4-13- 414. POPE, R. D. (1969). A preliminary survey of the Coleoptera of Redgrave and Lopham Fens. A supplement. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 14(3): 189-207. POPE, R. D. (1977). Kloet & Hincks A check list of British insects, Second Edition, Part 3: Coleoptera and Strepsiptera. Handbks Ident. Br. Insects 11(3): i-xiv, 1-105. QVIST, A. (1971). Epping Forest (revised edition). Corporation of London. SCULTHORP, A. H. (1951). (In Annual Exhibition Notes). Proc. S. Lond. ent. nat. Hist. Soc. 1949-50: 43. SCULTHORP, A. H. (1952). Bembidion quadripustulatum Serv. and Risophilus (Demetrias) imperialis Germ. in Essex (Col., Carabidae). Entomologist's mon. Mag. 88: 230. STEELE, R. C. & WELCH, R. C. 1973. Monks Wood: a nature reserve record. 337 pp. STEPHENS, J. (1828-1835). Illustrations of British Entomology, Mandibulata, 5 vols. Baldwin & Cradock: London. STUBBS, A. E. (1972). Wildlife Conservation and Dead Wood. Supplement to/. Devon Trust Nat. Conser. THOMPSON, P. (1926). Gnorimus nobilis L. in Epping Forest. Essex Nat. 21: 242. TWINN, D. C. & HUNTER, F. A. 1967. A further British record of Pycnomerus fuliginosus Er. (Col., Colydiidae). Entomologist's mon. Mag. 102: 144. WELCH, R. C. & HARDING, P. T. (1974). A preliminary list of the fauna of Staverton Park, Suffolk, Part 2, Insecta: Coleoptera. Suffolk Nat. Hist. 16(5): 287-304. WILSON, W. A. (1926). The Beetles of a Forest-side Garden. Essex Nat. 21: 207-208. Deer of Essex by Dr Donald Chapman For fourteen years Donald Chapman ran the Essex Deer Survey in co- operation with the Essex Field Club and Essex Naturalists' Trust. The fascinating results of this most detailed survey of deer distribution in any British county are included in Deer of Essex — volume one of the im- portant new Essex Naturalist series. Happily the survey shows that deer can co-exist with man; deer numbers are increasing and four species now breed in Essex compared with only one species fifty years ago. Deer of Essex is a fifty page paperback, fully illustrated with photographs, maps and diagrams. ISBN 0 905637 06 2 £1.00 ESSEX FIELD CLUB Passmore Edwards Museum, Romford Rd. London E15.