CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 5 THE ORIGIN OF THE CLUB 5 PATRON 6 CONSERVATION 6 SPECIAL MEMOIRS 6 THE ESSEX NATURALIST 6 MUSEUMS 9 PHOTOGRAPHIC AND PICTORIAL SURVEY 10 FIELD MEETINGS 10 ARCHAEOLOGY 13 THE MORANT CLUB 13 JUBILEE OF THE CLUB 14 SPECIALIST GROUPS 15 RECORDERS 15 THE PASSMORE EDWARDS MUSEUM 15 POST-WAR AND THE FUTURE 17 TABLES 1. The Presidents 18 2. Past Presidents surviving to 1980 19 3. Hon. Treasurers 19 4. Hon. Secretaries 19 5. Hon. Excursion (Field Meeting) Secretaries 19 6. Curators of the Club's Museums 20 7. Hon. Editors of the Essex Naturalist 20 8. Publications of the Essex Field Club 20 9. Some Original (Founder) Members 21 Figure 1. (opposite). An extract from the programme for the fiftieth an- niversary meeting of the Essex Field Club. The meeting was held in the Great Hall of the (then) Municipal College, West Ham. Front Cover. The Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, Epping Forest, drawn, in 1893, at the time when the Essex Field Club was setting up a museum in the Lodge. From a drawing by H. A. Cole published in Essex Naturalist vol. 7. Back Cover. Part of the report of an early Essex Field Club meeting, with an illustration by H. A. Cole. From Essex Naturalist vol. 7. 4