CONTENTS EDITORIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS INTRODUCTION Why the macrolepidoptera and microlepidoptera are in separate lists Can a list of the microlepidoptera of Essex now be justified? The recording area The presentation of the records The maps The pattern of coverage Types of habitat Migration and colonisation The history of recording in Essex The principal recorders Recorders, past and present Collections Acknowledgements THE SYSTEMATIC LIST Family descriptions The names of the species Status Span of the records Foodplants Distribution and degree of abundance The distribution maps Locality records MICROPTERIGIDAE ERIOCRANIIDAE NEPTICULIDAE OPOSTEGIDAE TISCHERIIDAE INCURVARIIDAE HELIOZELIDAE PSYCHIDAE 5 TINEIDAE 41 5 OCHSENHEIMERIIDAE 44 6 GRACILLARIIDAE 46 6 Gracillariinae 46 Lithocolletinae 49 PHYLLOCNISTIDAE 53 6 CHOREUTIDAE 53 GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE 54 DOUGLASIIDAE 55 6 YPONOMEUTIDAE 55 7 EPERMENIIDAE 61 SCHRECKENSTEINIIDAE 62 8 COLEOPHORIDAE 63 9 ELACHISTIDAE 72 10 OECOPHORIDAE 75 13 ETHMIIDAE 82 13 GELECHIIDAE 82 BLASTOBASIDAE 93 15 STATHMOPODIDAE 94 19 MOMPHIDAE 95 21 SCYTHRIDIDAE 98 22 "MESOLEPIDOPTERA" 99 22 COCHYLIDAE 99 22 TORTRICIDAE 103 23 Tortricinae 104 23 Olethreutinae 112 23 ALUCITIDAE 131 23 PYRALIDAE 131 24 Crambinae 132 Schoenobiinae 135 24 Scopariinae 136 24 Nymphulinae 137 25 Evergestinae 138 26 Pyraustinae 139 27 Pyralinae 143 35 Galleriinae 144 35 Phycitinae 141 36 PTEROPHORIDAE 151 38 REFERENCES 154 39