Recorders, past and present. The records contributed by the following entomologists, living and dead, are followed by their initials. A brief indication is given below of their main theatre of activity and the source from which their records have been derived. Rev. D.J.L. Agassiz DJLA South-west Essex. Pers. comm. Dr M.E. Anthoney MEA Harwich district. Pers. comm. E.R. Bankes, d. 1929 ERB Records in notebooks of specimens received from Harwood, Machin, Thurnall and other collectors. Dr P.C. Barnard PCB South-east Essex. Per KRT. W.C. Boyd, d.1906 WCB South and south-west Essex. Collection and diary in BM(NH); journals E.S. Bradford ESB Mainly Thames estuary. Pers. comm. Miss G. Bryan GB Leaf-miners from Epping Forest. Pers. comm. Rev. C.R.N. Burrows, d. 1932 CRNB Rainham, Brentwood and Mucking. Diary; list by F.N. Pierce; specimens in BM(NH) and coll. Pierce; journals, p. 16 W.D. Cansdale, d. 1925 WDC Witham district. VCH and journals. J.E. Chainey JEC South Essex. With and per KRT. EFCC see Epping Forest Cons. Cent. J.M. Chalmers-Hunt JMC-H Mainly Thames estuary. Pers. comm. H.E. Chipperfield HEC North-east Essex. Pers. comm. G.H. Conquest, d.c. 1920 GHC Various localities. Journals; specimens in Liverpool Museum and BM(NH). G. Coverdale, d.c. 1895 GC Various localities. Journals; specimens in BM(NH). G.C. Davidson GCD Wickham Bishops. Rothamsted light-trap records for 1980. Pers. comm. A.J. Dewick AJD Bradwell-on-Sea. Pers. comm, and per HCH. H. Doubleday, d. 1875 HD Epping. Journals; auctt. See p. 15 D.G. Down DGD Thundersley; south-east Essex. Pers .comm. H.M. Edelsten HME Small collection in BM(NH) made jointly with T.G.Howarth from the Tilbury Docks area in 1938. G. Elisha, d.c. 1895 GE South-west Essex; south-eastern salt-marshes. Journals. See p. 15 A.M. Emmet AME Essex. Mainly hitherto unpublished records. Epping Forest Conservation EFCC Epping Forest. Pers. comm. Centre A.J. Fairclough (son) and AJF Thaxted, Harlow and various western localities. R. Fairclough (father) RF Pers. comm. D.W.H. ffennell, d. l977 DWHff Records made during a visit to St. Osyth. Pers. comm. J.B. Fisher JBF North-east Essex. Pers. comm. T.B. Fletcher TBF Collection of Olethreutinae at BM(NH) which includes specimens taken by Essex collectors. W.H.B. Fletcher, d.1941 WHBF Various localities. Specimens from other collectors in coll. at Cambridge University Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries MAFF Records, mainly of pest species, held in Slough and Food Laboratory. P.C. Follett PCF Mainly southern Essex. Pers. comm. L.T. Ford, d. 1961 LTF Epping Forest; Thames estuary. Collection in BM(NH). J.E. Gardner JEG Specimens in coll. Greenslade, see RMG. 19