W. Gaze. d.c. 1860 WG Central northern Essex. Journals. W.S. Gilles, d. 1938. WSG Bocking; various localities. Extracts from diary per JMC-H; specimens in sundry colls see p. 17 Dr R.M. Greenslade, d. 1975 RMG Small reference collection, now incorporated in that of the British Entomological and natural History Society. Most specimens taken by Gardner, Gilles or Harrisson. K.W. Grimwade KWG Ingrave. Mesolepidoptera from light-trap. Pers. comm. Mrs C. Harley Mrs CH Maldon, from a light-trap. Pers. comm. G. Harrisson GH Specimens in coll. Greenslade. See RMG. W.H. Harwood, d. 1917 WHH North-east Essex. Specimens in various colls; journals; author of Lepidoptera in VCH. N.F. Heal NFH Epping Forest and Benfleet. Pers. comm. C. Healy, d.c. 1880 CH Epping Forest. Journals; diary per JMC-H. see p. 15 M. Heath MH Light-trap records from Colne Point NR. where he was acting warden in 1976 and 1977. Per Dr R. Hider. R.J. Heckford RJH Colchester, records made during a visit. Pers. comm. P. Hilliard PH Chingford, Light-trap records July-September 1977. Per Rothamsted Research Station. T.G. Howarth TGH Small collection in (BMNH) made jointly with H.M.Edelsten from the Tilbury Docks area in 1938. H.C. Huggins, d. 1977 HCH South-east Essex. MS list, journals and collection at BM(NH). See p. 18 S.N. A. Jacobs SNAJ Southern Essex. Collection at BM(NH). W.R. Jeffrey, d.c. 1890. WRJ Saffron Walden, c. 1860-1870. Journals. P.J. Johnson PJJ Various localities. Pers. comm. Dr J.R. Langmaid JRL Various localities. Pers. comm. W. Machin, d. l894 WM Epping Forest and southern Essex. Journals. records in VCH. Thurnall (1902) and Bankes notebooks. See p. 15 G.F. Mathew GEM Harwich district. Journals, MS notes in interleaved copy of Stainton's Manual and collection at BM(NH). See p. 18 Dr I. McClenaghan IM Ingrave, Thorndon Park and Dagenham. Pers. comm. D. More,d.l969 DM South-east Essex, mainly Pyralidae. Per HCH. E. van Nieukerken EvN Nepticulidae from various localities. Pers. comm. E.C. Pelham-Clinton ECP-C Various localities. Pers. comm. C.W. Plant CWP Wanstead district. Pers. comm. G.A. Pyman GAP Little Baddow, intermittent light-trap records. Pers. comm. Rev. G.H. Raynor, d. 1929 GHR Hazeleigh, central eastern Essex. Journals and VCH. R.J. Revell RJR North-west Essex, intermittent light-trap records. Pers. comm. Dr G.S. Robinson GSR Rainham and South Essex, intermittent light-trap records; Tineidae for all Essex. Pers. comm. and per KRT. I. Sims IS Chigwell Row, Rothamsted trap records 1977-1979. Pers. comm. P.A. Sokoloff PAS South-east Essex. Pers. comm. 20