plant is itself local. When the foodplant is known, a moth's likely distribution can be studied in Jermyn's Flora of Essex. The nomenclature is that of Dony. Perring & Rob (1974). Only the principal food-plants and those occurring in Essex are given. A generic name alone indicates that the larva feeds on all (or the only) species in the genus; the addition of 'spp.' means that it feeds on some but not necessarily all. For instance, 'Quercus spp.' normally means deciduous oaks excluding Q. ilex. Distribution and degree of abundance These are described separately as there is sometimes little correlation between them; some species are sparsely distributed over the whole county whereas others may be abundant within narrow limits. For example, Ectoedemia turbidella is known on only two trees, one in each vice-county, on both of which it swarms. The distribution maps cannot express facts of this nature. The words 'common' and 'rare' are here used to describe numbers, never distribution. The following terms are used: (a). Distribution. Wdspd. Widespread, i.e. usually to be found wherever the foodplant occurs. Rather loc. Rather local. Loc. Local (locally), with a distribution more restricted than that of the foodplant, or occurring on a localised foodplant. V.loc. Very local (locally), restricted to one or very few localities (b). Abundance. Abdt. Abundant V.c. Very common. C. Common. F.c. Fairly common, i.e. inclining to be rare rather than common. R. Rare. V.r. Very rare. The distribution maps. ● A solid spot indicates that the record was made in or after 1960 ○ A hollow circle indicates that the record was made prior to 1960 N.B. (a). During the recent recording period, my wife and I concentrated on making new records rather than updating old ones; hollow circles do not, therefore, indicate that the moth is no longer present. (b). Dots are shown in the 'frontier' squares only for records made in the part situated in Essex. Locality records. See p. 7. The localities are listed separately by vice-counties. Each record or group of records is preceded by a two-figure grid reference, the records being 24