Bohemannia quadrimaculella (Boh.) Res., 1977-1980. Life history unknown but associated with Alnus. V.loc. and rare, though perhaps overlooked. VC 19.92 Berechurch, one at rest on a leaf of Alnus. 16 Aug 1977 (AME). Ectoedemia argyropeza (Zett.) Res., 1965-1980. Populus tremula. A parthenogenetic species which is locally abdt in compact colonies. In years of abundance it adds beauty to our woods by causing conspicuous 'green islands' in yellowing aspen-leaves. *53 Ouendon (AME). E. turbidella (Zell.) Res., 1974-1979. Populus canescens. V. loc. abdt, in Essex known only on two trees on which it swarms. VC 18. 49 *Loughton, MR TQ407944, east of the B1393, formerly All (DJLA). VC 19. 54 Great Chesterford, MR TQ539436, south of the bridle path (AME). E. intimella (Zell.) Res., 1877-1979. Salix spp. in woodland. Loc. c, numbers varying from year to year. 81 *Witham (Cansdale. 1877-1878b). E. agrimoniae (Frey) Res., 1939-1980. Agrimonia. V. loc. c. VC 18. 57 Purfleet; 78 Thundersley, cutting on the A127 at TQ794898 (AME); Benfleet (*LTF;AME). VC 19. 71 Newland Grove NR; 81 Silver End, by lake at TL822188, which are the most northerly localities in Britain (AME) E. spinosella (Joan.) Res., 1969-1980. Prunus spinosa. Loc. c, even abdt, near the sea. also occurring more sparingly up to three miles inland. VC 18. 78 *Benfleet, where it was discovered new to Britain (Emmet, 1970); 88 Hadleigh Castle; 89 Stow Maries NR (PJJ); 89 Maldon Wick NR. VC 19. 90 Goldhanger; 01 Mersea Is.; Fingringhoe Wick NR; 02 Frating; 11 St. Osyth Heath; 12 Aingers Green; 22 Skipper's Is. NR (AME). E. angulifasciella (Staint.) Res., (1903)-1980. Rosa. spp. Wdspd and c. in open woodland and hedgerows. 02 *Colchester (VCH). E. atricollis (Staint.) Res., 1970-1980. Crataegus, Malus. Wdspd and v.c. 53 *Rowney Wood (AME). E. arcuatella (H.-S.) Res., 1975-1979. Fragaria. Loc. and rather r. in sheltered situations. VC 18. 67 Grays Chalk Pit (AME). VC 19. 53 *Saffron Walden, roadside at TL525374 (Mrs A.M.Emmet); 54 Ashdon, on old railway line. E. rubivora (Wocke) Res., 1883-1979. Rubus, spp., especially R. caesius. Loc. c. VC 18. V.r.; 57 Purfleet, 1979 (Mrs A.M.Emmet). VC 19. Loc. abdt in the north-west. *Essex- v. abdt in 1883 (Warren) (Tutt, 1899:313) 28