S. tiliae (Frey) Res., 1976-1980. Tilia cordata, less often T. x vulgaris. Loc. c. in central Essex, r. in the north-west. VC 18. 60 Fryerning, on T. x vulgaris; 80 Woodham Walter. VC 19. 53 Debden (AME); 54 *Bartlow Hills (PJJ); 61 Garnetts Wood; 71 Great Leighs, at TL 720170; 72 High Garrett; 81 Kelvedon; 82 roadside at TL 825296; Markshall Wood; Chalkney Wood, which is its head- quarters; 83 Little Maplestead, roadside at TL836337; 02 East Donyland; 03 Boxted (AME). S. minusculella (H.-S.) Res., 1979-1980. Pyrus communis. V.loc. and v.r. VC 19. 13 Vacated mines on 15 August and tenanted mines on 10 September 1979 on a single tree; moth reared (AME). The exact locality is withheld for reasons of conservation but is recorded in my card index. The only other record in the last 25 years for this moth in Britain is from a tree in Maiden, Surrey. S. anomalella (Goeze) Res., (1903)-1980. Rosa. spp. Wdspd and c. 88 *Southend (Whittle. 1903) and 02 Colchester (VCH). S. centifoliella (Zell.) Res., c. 1935-1980. Rosa spp. Loc. c, but under-recorded because its mine is indistinguishable from a mine form of the last species. 02 *Colchester by GH in coll. RMG. S. viscerella (Staint.) Res., (1899)-1980. Ulmus. Wdspd and v.c; though not as ubiquitous as S. marginicolella, it is more plentiful where it occurs. 81 *Wickham Bishops by WDC (Tutt, 1899:194). S. malella (Staint.) Res., (1899)-1980. Malus, including cultivars. Wdspd and v.c. 38 *Walthamstow by GE (Tutt, 1899:304) S. catharticella (Staint.) Res., (1903)-1980. Rhamnus. Loc. f.c. in central and north-west Essex, the larval foodplant being rare elsewhere. 70 *Danbury (VCH). S. hybnerella (Hubn.) Res., 1964-1980. Crataegus. Wdspd and abdt. 53 *Saffron Walden (AME). S. oxyacanthella (Staint.) Res., 1964-1980. Crataegus, Malus. Wdspd and c. but almost absent in certain years. 53 *Saffron Walden (AME). S. nylandriella (Tengst.) (aucupariae (Frey)) Res., 1970-1980. Sorbus aucuparia. Loc. f.c. in southern woodland; v.r. elsewhere. VC 18. 59 *Kelvedon Hatch; 68 Dunton; 69 Thorndon Park; Norsey Wood; 79 Stock; 70 Woodham Walter Common. VC 19. 91 Pods Wood; 92 Layer-de-la-Haye (AME). S. regiella (H.-S.) Res., (1903)-1980. Crataegus. Loc. f.c., apparently extending its range. 70 *Brentwood (VCH). 33