Nemophora fasciella (Fabr.) Res., 1848-1980. Ballota nigra. Loc. f.c., especially near the Thames estuary. VC 18.38 Temple Mills, "Formerly taken by Miller on elm" (Healy diary) - possibly in error for Adela croesella, which often flies round elms; Three Mills; 48 Wanstead; East Ham (CWP); 58 Rainham, 1977 (GSR); 68 Mucking, many records (SW, etc.); 88 *Southend (Hodgkinson, 1848); 98 North Shoebury (Whittle, 1901b). VC 19.02 Colchester, by no means scarce (VCH). N. cupriacella (Hubn.) Res., 1860-1979. Knautia, Scabiosa, Succisa. V.loc. f.c. VC 18. *Epping Forest, where CH discovered the life history and took many larvae (Stainton, 1861 and Healy diary); 88 Eastwood, one (Whittle, 1899b). VC 19. 63 Great Sampford, roadside at TL 632364, f.c. 1977-1979 (AME); 02 Colchester (VCH); 11 St. Osyth (WHH in coll. Tyerman; VCH). N. degeerella (Linn.) Res., 1867-1979. Leaf-litter. Wdspd and c., but apparently absent from the north-west. 02 *Colchester (Harwood, 1867-1868). Adela cuprella ([D. & S.]) NRR., 1930-1937. Salix, then leaf-litter. V.loc and erratic in appearance. VC 18.59 Warley, 27 May 1937 (RGW). VC 19.72 *Shalford Park, abdt 17 May 1930 (WSG). A. reaumurella (Linn.) Res., 1866-1980. Leaf-litter. Wdspd and abdt. 49 *High Beach (Boyd diary). A. croesella (Scop.) NRR., (1903)-1905. Leaf-litter. V. loc. and r. (VC 18. 38 see Nemophora fasciella.) VC 19. 02 *Colchester, loc. and r. (VCH); two, 1903 (RMG); several taken in 1905 by Harwood (coll. Whittle). A. rufimitrella (Scop.) Res., 1862-1979. Cardamine, Alliaria. Loc. f.c. VC 18. 38 *Hackney Marshes (Healy diary); 59 Bedfords Park (KRT); 60 High Woods, 1937-1956 (RGW); 70 Little Baddow (AME). VC 19. 43 Howe Wood; 52 Hatfield Forest Marsh NR; 53 Saffron Walden; 54 Little Hales Wood; 63 Great Sampford (AME); 02 Colchester district (VCH). A. fibulella ([D. & S.]) Res., (1903)4979. Veronica chamaedrys. Loc. f.c. VC 18.78 Benfleet, 1954 (SW).VC 19.43 Howe Wood; 53 Rowney Wood; 63 Great Sampford, c. (AME); 02 *Colchester (VCH). HELIOZELIDAE Very small moths which are seldom observed. Heliozela are dully coloured, but Antispila have pale golden-metallic markings on the forewing. The adults fly in late afternoon sunshine and the larvae mine petioles and leaves, finally excising cases in which they pupate. All five British species are well established in Essex. Heliozela sericiella (Haw.) Res., 1849-1980. Quercus spp. Wdspd and c. 48 *Wanstead (Stainton, 1850b). 38