H. resplendella (Staint.) Res., 1976-1979. Alnus, Wdspd, occurring in most localities where there are alders. 53 *Saffron Walden (AME). H. hammoniella Sorh. (betulae (Staint.)) Res., 1970-1980. Betula. Wdspd and f.c. in most places where birch regenerates. 53 *Rowney Wood (AME). Antispila pfeifferella (Hubn.) Res., (1903)-1980. Swida. Wdspd and c. 69 *Brentwood (VCH). A. petryi Martini (treitschkiella sensu auctt.) Res.. 1963-1979. Swida. Loc. and much less c. than the last species. VC 18.57 Purfleet (AME); 70 Danbury (DJLA); 89 Stow Maries NR (PJJ). VC 19.52 Broxted; 53 *Saffron Walden; 63 Radwinter; 64 Great Bendysh Wood; 73 Stambourne; 74 Ashen; 93 Mount Bures (AME). PSYCHIDAE Small or medium-sized moths showing a high degree of specialisation. Only two of the species occurring in Essex have winged females and two of the others are parthenogenetic. The larvae feed from variously constructed portable cases on lichens and algae growing on tree-trunks, palings and rocks, or on leaf-litter or dead insects; the situation rather than the food of each species will be given below. On emergence, most of the females remain in or on their cases and the first meal of the larvae on hatching may be their mother's body. The Revd C.R.N. Burrows made a special study of this family (see p. 16). Eleven of the 18 confirmed British species have been found in Essex; another is doubtfully recorded and yet another was placed on the county list through mis- identification. Most are difficult to detect and under-recorded. Narycia monilifera (Geoff.) Res., (1900)-1980. Tree-trunks and fences. Wdspd and f.c. 49 *Epping Forest, by Machin (Prout, 1900). Coenobia triquetrella (Hubn.) Doubtfully recorded, 1919. Tree-trunks and rocks. V. loc and v.r. VC 18.68 Mucking, cases taken by CRNB and believed to be of this species, exhibited (Turner, 1919-1920). 39