B. thoracella (Thunb.) Res., 1977-1980. Tilia cordata. Loc. c. in central Essex. VC 19. 71 Great Leighs, roadside at TL 720170 and 731195; 72 High Garrett, at TL 783277; 81 Kelvedon;82 Markshall Wood; *Chalkney Wood; 83 Little Maplestead, roadside at TL 836337; 03 Boxted (AME). B. ulmella Zell. Res., 1899-1980. Quercus spp. Wdspd and c. 88 *Eastwood (Whittle, 1899c). B. crataegi Zell. Res., 1902-1980. Crataegus, Pyrus. Wdspd and c. 88 *Prittlewell (Whittle, 1902a). B. demaryella (Dup.) Res., 1972. Betula. V. loc. and r. VC 18. 70 Backwarden NR. VC 19. *Fingringhoe Wick NR (AME). The HIEROXESTIDAE, of which three species (two adventive) have been recorded in Britain, are not represented in Essex. However, Oinophila v-flava (Haw.) is quite likely to occur in cellars. GRACILLARIIDAE Small moths which include some of the most attractively-coloured microlepidoptera. They adopt a characteristic attitude at rest, with the anterior part raised at an angle displaying their decorated fore- and midlegs which harmonise with the wing-pattern. The larvae at first mine the epidermis of leaves, feeding only on the sap. At a later ecdysis the structure of their mouth-parts changes and they now chew the parenchyma, still within their mines. A few complete their feeding in this manner but the majority, after a further ecdysis, leave their mines and feed within folded or conically rolled leaves. The moult at which these changes take place seems to vary between species. Of the 33 species reliably recorded in Britain, 21 have been taken in Essex and two others are likely to occur. 46