P. viminiella (Sircom) Res., 1901-1980. Salix alba, S. fragilis, S. viminalis. Loc. and rather r. VC 18.49 Hainault Forest; 58 Rainham; 59 Harold Wood; 67 West Tilbury (AME); 68 Laindon (KRT); 69 Shenfield, 1937, 1956 (RGW); 88 *Southend (Whittle, 1902b). VC 19. 41 Harlow (AME); 52 Molehill Green (AJF); 54 Ashdon; 60 Writtle; 63 Hempstead; 83 Loshes NR, Great Henny; 84 Foxearth; 01 Fingringhoe Wick NR; 02 High Park Corner (AME); Colchester (VCH). P. viminetorum (Staint.) Res., (1903)-1979. Salix viminalis. More loc. than the last species but more common where it occurs. VC 19. 30 Waltham Abbey, by the R. Lea; 92 Kingsford Bridge Marsh NR; Berechurch (AME); 02 *Colchester, c. (VCH); 11 Thorington (AME). P. salicicolella (Sircom) Res., 1903-1980. Salix spp. Wdspd and v.c. This and the next two species cannot be separated in their early stages and they are therefore under-recorded. 88 *Southend (Whittle, 1904b). P. dubitella (Herr.-Schaff.) Res., 1964-1980. Salix spp. Loc. and unc, but perhaps overlooked. VC 18. 57 Purfleet; 67 Grays Chalk Pit; 70 Backwarden NR. VC 19. 41 Harlow; 53 Quendon; *Rowney Wood; 74 Belchamp St Paul; 82 Chalkney Wood; 83 Loshes NR, Great Henny (AME). P. spinolella (Dup.) Res., (1903)-1980. Salix caprea, S. cinerea. Loc. f.c. VC 18. 69 Thorndon Park (PCF);70 Backwarden NR. VC 19. 52 Birchanger; 53 Quendon (AME); 02 *Colchester (VCH). P. cavella (Zell.) Res., (1928)4978. Betula. V. loc and r. *Essex (Meyrick, 1928). VC 18. 88 Hadleigh Wood, supposed mines, 1977, but no moths reared (AME), VC 19. 72 Bocking by WSG (coll. SNAJ); 91 Pods Wood, reared 1978 (AME) P. ulicicolella (Staint.) Res., 1977-1980. Ulex. Loc. and r., but probably overlooked. VC 18.49 *Hainault Forest, 4 July 1977 and 1979; 70 Little Baddow. VC 19.81 Tiptree Heath; 83 Lamarsh; 92 Fordham Heath (AME). P. scopariella (Zell.) Res., 1880-1980. Sarothamnus. Loc. and rather r. VC 18.48 *Wanstead (Warren, 1880); 68 Mucking by CRNB (Pierce,1918); Langdon Hills; 70 Little Baddow (AME). VC 19.60 Writtle A.C.; 61 Garnetts Wood (AME). P. maestingella (Muller) Res., 1866-1980. Fagus. Wdspd and abdt. 49 *High Beach (Boyd diary). P. coryli (Nicelli) Res., (1899)-1980. Corylus. Wdspd but varies from abdt to r. where found. 78 Pitsea (FGW); 88 Eastwood (Whittle, 1899a). 51