P. sylvella (Haw.) Res., 1893-1979. Acer campestre. Wdspd and c. 88 *Eastwood (Whittle, 1893). P platanoidella (Joan.) Res., 1975-1979. Acer platanoides. Loc. and rather r. VC 18. *49 Loughton; Whitehouse Plain (DJLA); 78 Thundersley. VC 19. 52 Elsenham; 54 Ashdon; Bartlow Hills; 81 Wickham Bishops (AME). P. geniculella (Rag.) Res., 1977-1979. Acer pseudoplatanus. Wdspd but seldom c. 69 *Thorndon Park (AME). PHYLLOCNISTIDAE Very small, lightly patterned white moths whose larvae feed entirely by mining the epidermis of leaves or twigs. They do not feed at all in their final instar, which occurs solely to provide structural changes in the head, the most important being the loss of the head-capsule with its jaws and 'eyes' and the provision of a spinneret for cocoon-spinning; the cocoon is placed under the curled edge of the mined leaf. There are three British species, one of which is found in Essex; a second could also occur. Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Steph.) Res., 1898-1979. Populus nigra including var. italica. Wdspd and c. 88 *Eastwood (FGW). CHOREUTIDAE Small day-flying moths, of dull, brownish colouration though in Choreutis ornamented with metallic silver specks. They have broad wings and were at one time thought to belong to the Tortricidae. The larvae feed in a web on their foodplant. Four of the six British species have been recorded in Essex. 53