A. conjugella Zett. Res., 1888-1975. Sorbus and Malus. More or less c. (VCH), but recent records suggest that it is loc. and r. VC 18.69 Thorndon Park (Whittle, 1904d), 1975 (PCF); *Brentwood, 1888 (Burrows diary); 80 Woodham Walter, 1938 (WSG). A semifusca (Haw.) Res., 1872-1979. Crataegus, Sorbus aucuparia. Wdspd and f.c.88 *Epping Forest (Machin, 1872-1873b). A. pruniella (Clerck) Res., (1834)4979. Prunus cerasus. Generally c. (VCH), but now loc. though often abdt where found. *Epping Forest, c. (Stephens, 1834: 249) A. curvella (Linn.) Res., 1893-1980. Crataegus. Wdspd and abdt. 88 *Eastwood (Whittle, 1893). A. albistria (Haw.) Res., 1872-1979. Prunus spinosa. Wdspd and v.c. 49 *Epping Forest (Machin, 1872-1873b). A. semitestacella (Curt.) Res., 1862-1980. Fagus. Loc. c. in beech woods. VC 18.49 *Epping Forest (Wormald, 1862) and many subsequent records; Loughton; Hainault Forest (AME); 40 Epping (VCH) 43, 44 Howe Wood. VC 19. 42 Farnham; 50 Ongar Park Wood; 53 Saffron Walden; 54 Hales Wood; 64 Great Bendysh Wood (AME). Yponomeuta evonymella (Linn.) ?Res. or vag., 1889-1979. Prunus padus; as this is r. in the county (Jermyn, 1974:94), there may be an alternative foodplant. VC 18. 59 Coxtie Green, 1979 (PJW); 68 Mucking by CRNB (Pierce, 1918); 69 Ingrave, 1967 (KWG); *Brentwood, larvae 10 June 1889 on unnamed foodplant (Burrows diary). VC 19. 11 St Osyth, once obtained on the seashore (VCH). Y. padella (Linn.) Res., 1882-1979. Crataegus, Prunus spinosa. Wdspd and v.c. 38 *Hackney Marshes (Anderson, 1882). Y. malinellus Zell. Res., 1962-1979. Malus. Loc. f.c.; formerly confused with Y. padella. VC 18. 39 Chingford (PH); 49 Chigwell Row (IS); 68 Stanford-le-Hope (PCF). VC 19. 53 *Saffron Walden (AME); 60 Writtle A.C. Y. cagnagella (Hubn.) Res., (1899)-1980. Euonymus. Wdspd and c. 88 *Southend district (Whittle, 1899a). Y. plumbella ([D. & S.]) Res., 1890-1979. Euonymus europaeus. Loc. f.c. VC 18. 69 *Brentwood (Burrows diary); 78 Benfleet (SW); 88 Prittlewell (Whittle, 1899a). VC 19.41 Little Hallingbury (RWJU); 43 Clavering; 53 Saffron Walden; 54 Shadwell Wood NR; 64 Helions Bumpstead (AME); 02 Colchester, c. (VCH). 57