Coleophora leucapennella (Hubn.) Res., 1980. Lychnis, Silene. V. loc. and r. the only other known British locality is in Gloucestershire. VC 19. A wood in north-east Essex, where a larva was found on 19 July 1980. The exact locality is witheld for reasons of conservation (AME). C. lutipennella (Zell.) Res., 1970-1980. Quercus spp. Less c. than C. flavipennella, from which it can only be distinguished by rearing and dissecting the adult; consequently under- recorded. VC 18. 70 Backwarden NR. VC 19. 53 *Rowney Wood (AME); 01 Fingringhoe (RWJU); 03 Boxted (AME). C. gryphipennella (Hubn.) Res., 1883-1980. Rosa spp. Wdspd and v.c. 48 *Wanstead (Elisha, 1883). C. flavipennella (Dup.) Res., 1970-1979. Quercus spp. Wdspd and v.c; see C. lutipennella, being under-recorded for the same reason. 49 *Epping Forest (RWJU, AME). C. serratella (Linn.) Res., (1899)-1980. Betula, Ulmus, etc. Wdspd and c; in some years abdt. 88 *Eastwood (Whittle, 1899a). C. coracipennella (Hubn.) Res., 1977-1979. Woody Rosaceae, including Prunus spinosa. Loc. and apparently r.; this and the next two species were formerly treated as one under the name nigricella Steph. (c. and widely distributed (VCH)). They can only be distinguished by rearing and dissecting the adults and are consequently under-recorded. VC 18. 68 Mucking, reared from Prunus spinosa 1979 (ECP-C; AME). VC 19. 54 *Great Chesterford, two reared from Prunus spinosa, 6 July 1977 (AME, teste RWJU); the hedgerow where they occurred has since been destroyed by stubble burning. C. cerasivorella Packard Res., 1970-1979. Woody Rosaceae, especially Crataegus, Malus. Wdspd and much more c. than the preceeding species, q.v. 53 *Walden Forest (AME, teste RWJU); older records would be revealed by dissection. C. prunifoliae Doets Res., 1979-1980. Prunus spinosa. This species has been added only recently to the British list and its distribution and degree of abundance, both in Essex and in Britain, are incompletely known. Confirmed records are from 78 *Benfleet, and provisional records are as follows:- VC 18. Squares 67, 90 and (X). VC 19. Squares 61, 71,92,01, 11, 12 and 21. It appears to be absent from north-west Essex. C. milvipennis Zell. Res., 1971-1978. Betula. Loc. and r. VC 18. 49 *Epping Forest (RWJU); 70 Backwarden NR, 1975 (AME). VC 19. 81 Tiptree Heath, 1977 (PJJ), 1978 (AME). C adjectella Herr.-Schaff. Res., 1900-1980. Prunus spinosa. V. loc, but f.c. where found. Added to the British list only in 1979 largely as a result of research undertaken for the Essex list; it was formerly confused with C. badiipennella and C. milvipennis. VC 18. 67 Grays (DJLA); 70 *Danbury, reared from a case found in October, 1900 on blackthorn by WCB when he was out shooting; the record was published later under the name C. milvipennis and as new to Britain (Barrett, 1902); 78 Benfleet, larvae on 20 Oct. 1967 from which moths were reared in July 1968; larvae in 1979 (JMC-H; AME); 88 Hadleigh Castle (AME); 89 Stow Maries Halt NR, a case on 11 Nov. 1977 (RWJU). 64