C. fuscicornis Zell. Res., 1973-1980. Vicia tetrasperma. Known in Britain only from the coast of north-east Essex, where it is v. loc. f.c. VC 19. Ol Fingringhoe Wick NR, where it was discovered by AME on 26 May 1973 (Emmet & Uffen, 1975); reared 1975 (JMC-H). 22 Little Oakley, by sea-wall (RWJU). C. conyzae Zett. ?Vag., 1916. Inula Conyza, Pulicaria dysenterica. A single record. VC 18.68 Mucking by CRNB (Pierce, 1918). I. conyza is c. in 67 Grays Chalk Pit but larvae do not appear to be present. C. lineolea (Haw.) Res., 1860-1980. Ballota nigra, more rarely other Labiatae. Wdspd and v.c, especially in coastal areas. 38 *[ Leyton] (Eedle, 1860a; see C. albitarsella). C. hemerobiella (Scop.) Res., 1868-1980. Rosaceous trees. Wdspd and c. in the south; more loc. in the north. VC 18. 49 *Epping Forest (Healy diary); see map. VC 19. 41 Harlow, c. (AJF & RF); 52 Turner's Spring NR; 53 Saffron Walden (AME). C. lithargyrinella Zell. Res., 1963-1979. Stellaria holostea. V. loc. and r. VC 18. 78 *Benfleet(SW, JMC-H). VC 19. 02 Ardleigh, larval case 6 May 1979, moth reared; 11 Maldon Wood, a case 25 Nov. 1979 (AME). C. solitariella Zell. Res., 1878-1980. Stellaria holostea. Loc. f.c. VC 18.49 *Epping Forest (Machin, 1878c); Theydon Mount; 40 Epping (RWJU); 78 Benfleet (SW, JMC-H, AME); 80 Woodham Mortimer (AME). VC 19.43 Arkesden; 51 Matching; 52 Broxted; 54 Little Walden; Hadstock; 64 Sturmer; 74 Ashen; 13 Stour Wood (AME). C. laricella (Hubn.) Res., 1900-1980. Larix. Loc. c. wherever the foodplant is well established. 59 *Warley (FGW). C. wockeella Zell. NRR., (1903). Betonica officinalis. VC 18.11 St Osyth, r. (VCH), where Jermyn (1974) does not record the foodplant. C. albidella ([D. & S.]) Res., 1959-1979. Salix. Loc. and r. VC 18. 50 *Stondon Massey, at MV light (DCT). VC 19. 53 Saffron Walden, 1977. 1979 (AME); 60 Writtle A.C. C. anatipennella (Hubn.) Res., 1897-1980. Woody Rosaceae. Wdspd and c. 78 *Benfleet (Whittle, 1897b). C. currucipennella Zell. ?Res., 1859-1964. Carpinus, Quercus, Salix. V. loc. and r. VC 18.40/49 *Epping, one (Stainton, 1859); one 6 July 1867(Wormald, 1867-1868); Loughton (Machin, 1871e). VC 19. 53 Rowney Wood, a vacated case on an oak-leaf, Oct. 1964. (AME). 67