C. saturatella Staint. Res., 1859-1979. Sarothamnus. Loc. and r. VC 18. 48 *Wanstead (Miller, 1859; Elisha, 1879), 1976 (RWJU); 78 Benfleet (SNAJ) and 88 Hadleigh (SW): both probably refer to the same locality from which adults were reared after a field meeting in 1938; 70 Backwarden NR, 1979 (AME). VC 19. 02 Colchester (VCH)and specimens taken by WHH in 1901 (coll. Whittle). C. genistae Staint. NRR., 1856-1903. Genista anglica. Formerly loc. c., but now perhaps extinct in Essex following a decline of the foodplant (Jermyn, 1974: 82; the entomologists evidently knew of the presence of G. anglica in Epping Forest before the botanists). VC 18.48 *Wanstead, "Mr Miller met with the larvae at Wanstead", quoted from the orginal description (Stainton, 1857), 1863 (Healy diary); 49 Loughton (Machin, 18724873a; 1877a; Turner, 1903). Turner's specimens are now in coll. Jacobs. C. discordella Zell. Res., (1903)-1980. Lotus. Loc. c. 40 *Epping (VCH). C. silenella Herr.-Schaff. Res., 1977-1979. Silene vulgaris. Loc. and r.; perhaps overlooked VC 18.63 Great Sampford (AME). C. striatipennella Tengst. Res., 1963-1979. Stellaria graminea. Loc. and rather r. VC 18. 49 Hainault Forest (AME); 59 *Warley Common by RWJU (Chapman, 1963); 78 Benfleet (AME). VC 19.53 Rowney Wood, two 1971 (AME); 60 Writtle A.C.; 73 Shardlowe's Wood (AME). C. troglodytella (Dup.) Res., 1976-1980. Cirsium arvense, Eupatorium, Inula. Loc; this and the next species can only be distinguished with certainty by rearing and dissecting the adults and both are consequently under-recorded. Larvae of one or both species are c in damp situations. VC 18. 49 Whitehouse Plain, 1978 (JRL); 88 Leigh-on-Sea (AME); ?98 North Shoebury (Whittle, 1904b). VC 19. 41 *Little Hallingbury (RWJU); 52 Hatfield Forest Marsh NR, teste Dr J.D. Bradley (AME); 60 Writtle A.C. C. trochilella (Dup.) Res., 1904-1980. Artemisia vulgaris, Achillea, Eupatorium. Loc; probably more c. than the previous species, q.v. *"Essex, bred 1904" (coll. Jacobs). VC 18.57 Purfleet; 67 Grays Chalk Pit; 68 Mucking (AME); 78 Benfleet, c. (AME, SW, PAS, NFH); 88 Leigh-on-Sea (JRL). C. linosyridella Fuchs Res., 1980. Aster tripolium. Recorded from only one locality. VC 18. 78 Canvey Island, larvae (RWJU, NFH). C. machinella Bradley NRR., 1883-1903. Artemisia maritima, also (Hants and Sussex) Achillea ptarmica. Described by Machin as wdspd but nowhere c Possibly still present. VC 18.78 *Thames Haven, the type locality (Machin, 1884); Vange (Whittle, 1899a); Benfleet, cases containing living larvae exhibited (Turner, 1903-1904), the resultant adults being in coll. Jacobs; 88 Southend (Whittle, 1896). C. peribenanderi (Toll.) Res., 1871-1980. Cirsium arvense, Arctium spp. Wdspd and f.c.; this species and C. therinella were not separated until 1952 and all their prior records were ascribed to C. therinella. Since there is no evidence for the occurrence of the latter in Essex, the early records are assumed to belong to C. peribenanderi. 38 'Hackney Marshes (Machin, 1871a). 69