C. paripennella Zell. Res., 1899-1989. Centaurea nigra, Arctium lappa. Loc. c. 78 *Benfleet (Whittle, 1899c) C. therinella Tengst. Status uncertain; records in VCH, etc. probably refer to C. peribenanderi, q.v. C. asteris Muhl. Res., (1899)-1978. Aster tripolium. Wdspd and c. in the southern salt-marshes. VC 18. 58 Rainham sludge lagoons; 68 Stanford-le-Hope (RWJU); Mucking (AME); 78 Benfleet (SW); 88 *Southend district (Whittle, 1899a); 99 Canewdon (SW, AME). C. argentula (Steph.) Res., 1871-1980. Achillea millefolium. Wdspd and abdt. 88 *Southend (Machin, 1871e). C. virgaureae Staint. Res., 1900-1977. Solidago virgaurea. Loc. and r. VC 18. 69 Shenfield Common (AME); 88 *Eastwood, reared (Whittle, 1901a). VC 19. 02 Colchester (VCH). C. benanderi Kanerva (annulatella sensu auctt., flavaginella sensu Pelham-Clinton, 1959) Res., 1979. Atriplex, Chenopodium. Possibly wdspd and c; "ubiquitous; the commonest [Atriplex- feeding] species inland" (Uffen in Emmet et al., 1979). VC 19.01 Brightlingsea, larvae on Chenopodium inland (AME). C. sternipennella (Zett.) (flavaginella L. & Z., moeniacella Staint.) Res., 1957-1980. Atriplex, Chenopodium. V. loc. and r., or, more probably, overlooked. VC 18. 68 Stanford-le-Hope, reared, teste RWJU (RF); 80 Maldon (AME). C. adspersella Benander Res., 1959-1979. Atriplex, Halimione, Suaeda maritima. Loc. f.c, especially on coasts. VC 18.78 Canvey Island, teste RWJU (AME); 89 Bridgemarsh Island (RWJU, AME). VC 19. 50 *Ongar at MV light, teste RWJU (DCT); 71 Hatfield Peverel; 01 Fingringhoe Wick NR; 22 Skipper's Island NR (AME). C. versurella Zell. Res., 1939-1977. Chenopodium, Atriplex littoralis. Loc. f.c. VC 18. 39 Chingford, teste ESB (PH); 78 *Benfleet, teste RWJU (1939, SW; 1966, AME). VC 19. 60 Writtle A.C., teste RWJU. C. squamosella Staint. Res., 1980. Erigeron acer. V. loc. and r. VC 18. 67 Grays Chalk Pit, larval cases (JRL). C. atriplicis Meyr Res., 1892-1975. Chenopodiaceae. Wdspd and c. in salt-marshes. VC 18. 68 Stanford-le-Hope (SW, RT); 78 Fobbing (RWJU); Canvey Island (WHBF, RWJU); Benfleet (SW, AME); 88 *Southend (GE); 98 Shoeburyness (anon, BMNH). VC 19. 91 Salcott (WSG); 02 Wivenhoe by WHH in 1901 (coll. Jacobs). 70