E. gleichenella (Fabr.) Res., 1971-1980. Carex spp., especially C. flacca. Loc. c. in the north-west; elsewhere r. VC 18.70 Pheasanthouse Wood NR, 1977-1978, where the foodplant is C. laevigata. VC 19.51 Wall Wood; 53 Saffron Walden; *Rowney Wood; 54 Little Hales Wood; 64 Great Bendysh Wood (AME). E. biatomella (Staint.) Res., 1915-1977. Carex flacca. V. loc. and r. VC 18.78 *Benfleet (Whittle, 1915). VC 19. 53 Saffron Walden, reared (AME). E. poae Staint. Res., 1855-1980. Glyceria maxima. Loc. f.c. VC 18. 38 Temple Mills (Miller, 1857); Hackney Marshes (Machin, 1871b); Whipps Cross; 48 Wanstead Park; 49 Epping Forest (AME); 58 Hornchurch (PCF); 70 Backwarden NR (PJJ); 88 *Southend, which is one of the type localities (Stainton, 1855b). VC 19. 41 Harlow (AJF); Sawbridgeworth Marsh NR (AME);50 Ongar (DCT); 53 Newport; 84 Liston; 92 Berechurch; 01 Fingringhoe Wick NR (AME). E. atricomella Staint. Res., (1899)-1980. Dactylis. Loc. and apparently rather r. VC 18. 49 Chigwell Row (IS); 68 Mucking by CRNB (Pierce, 1918); 78 *Benfleet (Whittle, 1901a); 90 Bradwell-on-Sea (AJD). VC 19. 53 Quendon; Rowney Wood; 91 Berechurch (AME) E. alpinella Staint. Res., 1977-1979. Carex acutiformis. Loc. c. VC 19. 41 Sawbridgeworth Marsh NR; 51 *Matching, 14 Aug. 1977; 52 Hatfield Forest Marsh NR; 53 Newport; 62 Duton Hill; 82 Bradwell (AME). E. albifrontella (Hubn.) Res., 1899-1980. Gramineae. Wdspd and abdt.88 *Southend (Whittle, 1899c). E. apicipunctella Staint. Res., 1978-1979. Gramineae. V. loc. and r. VC 19. 54 Little Hales Wood; 82 Bradwell; 84 *Liston, two 22 May 1978 (AME). E. subnigrella Dougl. Res., 1979. Bromus erectus. V. loc. and r.; perhaps overlooked. VC 19. 84 Liston, four 1 Aug. 1979 (AME). E. humilis Zell. Res., 1964-1980. Deschampsia caespitosa. Wdspd and f.c. 53 *Rowney Wood (AME). E. pulchella (Haw.) Res., 1849-1980. Holcus, Arrhenatherum. Wdspd and v.c. 48 *Wanstead (Stainton, 1850b.) E. rufocinerea (Haw.) Res., 1866-1980. Holcus, Arrhenatherum. Wdspd and v.c. 49 *High Beach (Boyd diary). 73