The Depressariinae constitute the third subfamily. The adults are medium- sized to large and are characterised in many species by the rounded termen of the forewing. Many overwinter as adults in thatch, haystacks, etc. and several are commonly to be seen in spring resting on lighted windows. The larvae are found on Leguminosae or Compositae. Of the 83 British Oecophoridae, 57 have been recorded in Essex and several others doubtless await discovery. Although a popular family with collectors, it has received little serious study in recent years and it is probably true to say that Essex entomologists of the last century were more familiar with its member species than are their modern counterparts. Schiffermuellerina tinctella (Hubn.) Res., (1903)-1976. Dead wood, lichens, moss. V. loc. and r. VC 18. 78 Benfleet, one 22 May 1976 (PAS); 80 *Hazeleigh (VCH). Chambersia augustella (Hubn.) NRR., (1834)-1916. Under dead bark. V. loc. and r. VC 18. 38 *Plaistow (Stephens, 1834: 216);68 Mucking by CRNB (Pierce, 1918). VC 19. 02 Colchester (VCH). Batia lunaris (Haw.) Res., 1871-1980. Dead wood. Wdspd and f.c. 49 *Loughton (Machin, 1871e) B. lambdella (Don.) NRR., 1789-(1903). Dead wood. V. loc. and r.; may still occur. VC 18. 48 "A nondescript, and has hitherto only been taken on Epping-forest: the brood was discovered in a furze-bush by Mr Bentley, an eminent Collector of Insects, in July, 1789" (Donovan, 1813:53): Stainton (1854b) gave the exact locality as Wanstead, which is therefore the type locality. 40 Epping (Morris, 1872; VCH) possibly refers to the original record. VC 19. 02 Colchester (VCH). B. unitella (Hubn.) Res., 1887-1980. Dead wood. Loc. f.c.; "an extensive range" (VCH). 38 *Between Walthamstow and Chigwell (Machin, 1887). Dafa formosella ([D&S.]) NRR., (1845); probably extinct in Britain. Under dead bark. VC 18. 48 Wanstead, where it was taken by Mr George Robertson on palings (Humphreys & Westwood, 1845 (2): 223); Stainton, 1854b: 98); Jacobs (1948-1949: 134) states that it was possibly also taken in 49 Epping Forest. It was never found elsewhere in Britain. Borkhausenia fuscescens (Haw.) Res., (1899)-1980. Leaf-litter, birds' nests. Wdspd and c. 88 *Southend (Whittle, 1899a). 76