M. palustrella (Dougl.) Res., 1893-1980. Rumex crispus. Loc. and not c. VC 18. 58 Rainham, two 1 August 1977 (GSR); 69 Ingrave, one 20 September 1976 (IM); 88 *Eastwood (Whittle, 1893); Westcliff-on-Sea, 1909 (FGW); 80 Maldon, one 12 August 1977 (Mrs CH). VC 19. 60 Writtle A.C. one 1977; two 1978; 63 Thaxted, one 1980 (AJF); 81 Wickham Bishops, several 1980 (GCD). M. suffusella (Dougl.) NRR., 1935. Life history unknown. V. loc. and r. VC 18. 99 Burnham-on-Crouch, two reared from an unrecorded foodplant, 3 July 1935, teste F.N. Pierce (SW). M. lutulentella (Zell.) Res., 1877-1978. Life history unknown. V. loc. and r. VC 19. 60 Writtle A.C., single specimens 5 August 1977 and 30 July 1978; 81 *Witham (Cansdale, 1877-1878b.). M. arundinetella (Staint.) ?Res., 1857-71978. Carex acutiformis. V. loc. and r. VC 18. 38 *Hackney Marshes, the type locality where it was discovered by T. Boyd in 1857 (Boyd, T., 1857; Stainton et al., 1867: 226.) VC 19. In October 1978 larvae were observed at 51 Matching and 91 Kingsford Bridge Marsh NR which were believed to belong to this species; the post-hibernation larvae could not be found (AME). Chrysoesthia drurella (Fabr.) (hermannella sensu auctt.) Res., 1878-1980. Atriplex, Chenopodium. Loc. l.c. VC 18. 38 *Hackney Marshes (Machin, 1878e); 48 Plaistow (CWP); 58 Rainham (GSR); 59 Navestock (AME); 68 Mucking by CRNB (Pierce, 1918); 98 Thorpe Bay (Whittle, 1915); 00 Dengie (AME). VC 19. 62 Bardfield Saling, 1970 (DCT); 63 Thaxted (AJF); 71 Hatfield Peverel (AME); 02 Colchester f.c. (VCH); Wivenhoe; 12 Aingers Green; Manningtree (AME). C. sexguttella (Thunb.) Res., 1878-1980. Atriplex, Chenopodium. Wdspd and c. 38 *Hackney Marshes (Machin, 1878e). Ptocheuusa paupella (Zell.) Res., 1859-1979. Pulicaria. Loc. f.c. VC 18. 78 Benfleet (FGW); 88 Leigh-on-Sea (Whittle, 1897b); Southend (Whittle, 1899a); 89 Stow Maries NR; Hullbridge (AME); 80 *Maldon (Healy, 1860a); 98 Shoebury; Havengore Island (Whittle, 1901a). VC 19. 50 Ongar (DCT); 52 Hatfield Forest Marsh NR; 53 Rowney Wood (AME). Aristotelia ericinella (Zell.) Res., 1868-1980. Calluna. Loc. abdt. VC 18. 49 *Epping Forest (Boyd diary; AME); Loughton (Machin, 1872-1873b); 78 Thundersley, 1902 (FGW). VC 19.81 Tiptree Heath (AME). 84