T. scriptella (Hubn.) Res., 1898-1979. Acer campestre. Loc. and rather r. VC 18. 68 Stanford-le-Hope, 1955 and 1956 (SW); Laindon (FGW); 88 *Eastwood (Whittle, 1899b); Prittlewell (FGW); Southend (VCH). VC 19. 50 Ongar (DCT); 53 Rowney Wood; 61 Howe Street (AME); 02 Colchester (VCH); Frating (AME). T. decorella (Haw.) Res., 1868-1978. Quercus spp. and Swida. V. loc. and r. VC 18. 38 *Epping Forest (Healy diary); 13 specimens in coll. Machin (Bankes notebook); Loughton, 1978 (AJF); 40 Epping (VCH). T. notatella (Hubn.) Res., 1878-1980. Salix caprea. Loc. and not c. VC 18. 38 *Hackney Marshes (Machin, 1878e); 59 Warley, reared 1964 (SW); 67 Grays Chalk Pit (AME); 68 Mucking, 1972 (RT); 89 Hockley (Whittle, 1899b). T. proximella (Hubn.) Res., 1893-1979. Betula, Alnus glutinosa. Loc. f.c. VC 18.59 Warley (FGW; ECP-C); 69 Brentwood (SW); 78 Thundersley (FGW); 88 *Eastwood (Whittle, 1893); Hadleigh (FGW; DGD); Belfairs (DGD). VC 19. 53 Rowney Wood; 82 Chalkney Wood; 92 Berechurch (AME); 02 Wivenhoe by WHH, 1916 (coll. Greenslade). T. alburnella (Zell.) Res., 1970-1979. Betula. Loc. and rather r. VC 18. 38 *Whipps Cross (AME); 49 Epping Forest, f.c. (RWJU). VC 19.53 Rowney Wood, 1979; 91 Pods Wood, 1978 (AME). T. fugitivella (Zell.) Res., 1871-1980. Ulmus. Wdspd and f.c. 49 *Loughton (Machin, 1871e). T. paripunctella (Thunb.) Res., 1867-1979. Quercus, spp. Loc. and r. VC 18.38 Leyton, reared by WM (Bankes notebook); 48 Wanstead Flats (Healy diary; Machin, 1877b; Tutt, 1908); Ilford (PV);49 Hainault Forest, 1977, 1979 (AME); 59 Warley Common (Syms, 1936-1937; Stanley-Smith, 1949-1950); 80 Hazeleigh (VCH). T. luculella (Hubn.) Res., 1883-1980. Quercus spp. Loc. f.c. VC 18. 38 Whipps Cross (AME); 48 *Wanstead (Elisha, 1883); 49 High Beach (NRE); 59 Warley (SW); 68 Stanford-le-Hope (RT); 69 Brentwood (Burrows diary); 88 Eastwood (Whittle, 1899c); Southend (VCH); 80 Hazeleigh (Raynor, 1899). VC 19. 53 Rowney Wood (AME); 02 Colchester (VCH); 12 Weeleyhall Wood NR (AME). T. sequax (Haw.) Res., (1903)-1980. Helianthemum. Loc. f.c. in the north-west. VC 18. 78 *Benfleet (VCH), perhaps a vagrant from Kent as the foodplant does not occur in south Essex (Jermyn, 1974: 67). VC 19. 54 Hadstock; Bartlow Hills (AME) 86