MOMPHIDAE Small to medium-sized moths which include some of the most brightly coloured and beautiful microlepidoptera, although most are seldom seen unless reared. An easily seen difference from the Gelechiidae is the hindwing, which is narrow and lanceolate. The larval habits vary from species to species. Some mine leaves, shoots, stems or bark; others spin or fold leaves; others again feed in seedheads or fruits. The family is well represented in Essex, for 27 out of the 33 British representatives occur and one or two others may await discovery. The family is divided into five subfamilies, all of which have members on the county list. Batrachedra praeangusta (Haw.) Res., 1904-1980. Populus, Salix. Wdspd and v.c. 78 *Vange (Whittle, 1904b). B. pinicolella (Zell.) Res., (1903)-1980. Pinus sylvestris, Picea. V. loc. but may be c. where found. VC 18. 69 *Brentwood (VCH); 70 Little Baddow, reared 1978 (ECP-C). VC 19. 53 Rowney Wood, abdt 1979 (DJLA; AME); reared 1980 (AME). Mompha langiella (Hubn.) (epilobiella (Roem.)) NRR., 1889. Circaea lutetiana. A moth with a mainly western distribution, but a single and reliable Essex record. VC 18. 88 Southend, a series reared by WW (coll. Fletcher). M. terminella (H. & W.) Res., 1966. Circaea lutetiana. Recorded once only. VC 19. 53 Ouendon, reared (AME); not observed since. M. raschkiella (Zell.) Res., 1964-1980. Epilobium angustifolium. Wdspd and abdt. 53 *Saffron Walden (AME). M. miscella ([D. & S.]) Res., 1966. Helianthemum. V. loc. VC 19.54 Hadstock, reared (AME); not found in 1980. 95