M. conturbatella (Hubn.) Res., 1968-1977. Epilobium angustifolium. Loc. and r. VC 19.43 Littlebury; 53 *Quendon, reared from both localities (AME). M. ochraceella (Curt.) Res., 1898-1980. Epilobium hirsutum. Wdspd and f.c. 88 *Eastwood (Whittle, 1899c). M. lacteella (Steph.) NRR., 1874-(1903). Epilobium hirsutum. Two records only which may refer to a single capture. VC 18.49 *Fairmead Bottom (Machin, 1875); 40 Epping (VCH). M. propinquella (Staint.) Res., 1962-1980. Epilobium hirsutum,E. montanum. Loc. and rather r. VC 18. 49 Buckhurst Hill (M.Hanson); 69 Childerditch (IM). VC 19.52 Hatfield Forest Marsh NR; 53 Newport; *Saffron Walden; 54 Hadstock; Shadwell Wood NR (AME); 60 Writtle A.C.; 01 Fingringhoe Wick NR; 02 Wivenhoe; 21 Great Holland Pits NR (AME). M. divisella Herr.-Schaff. Res., (1903)4970. Epilobium spp., specially E. montanum. "*Generally distributed but not c." (VCH); the paucity of recent records suggests that it is now more loc. VC 19. 53 Saffron Walden; Rowney Wood; Wimbish (AME); 72 Braintree (MAFF). M. nodicolella Fuchs Res., 1976-1980. Epilobium angustifolium. V. loc. and r. VC 18. 48 St Mary's Churchyard NR, East Ham (CWP). VC 19. 53 *Saffron Walden, one 31 August 1976 (AME); 60 Writtle A.C. M. subbistrigella (Haw.) Res., 1976-1980. Epilobium angustifolium. Loc. f.c. VC 18. 48 Wanstead Park (CWP); 49 Loughton; Chigwell Row (IS); 58 Rainham (GSR); 67 Grays Chalk Pit (AME); 88 Leigh-on-Sea (PCB); 80 *Hazeleigh (VCH). VC 19. 53 Saffron Walden; Rowney Wood; 54 Little Hales Wood (AME). M. epilobiella ([D. & S.]) (fulvescens (Haw.)) Res., 1893-1980. Epilobium hirsutum. Wdspd and abdt. 88 *Eastwood (Whittle, 1893). Cosmopterix zieglerella (Hubn.) Res., 1859-1980. Humulus. Wdspd and loc. v.c. in the east of the county; more loc. and less c. in the west. It is to some extent nomadic, since once vigorous colonies may be destroyed by parasitisation 38 *Hackney Marshes (Healy, 1860b). C. orichalcea Staint. (drurella, druryella sensu auctt.) NRR., 1890-1891. Phalaris, etc. May still occur. VC 18. 48 Ham Marshes by W. Fassnidge, no other data (coll. Jacobs); 88 *Southchurch, received from GE in 1890 and 1891 (Bankes notebook). C. lienigiella L. & Z. Res., 1977-1978. Phragmites. V. loc. f.c. VC 18. 68 *Mucking, larvae f.c. 10 October 1977; moth reared. VC 19. 01 Fingringhoe Wick NR, larvae observed 7 October 1978 (AME). Limnaecia phragmitella Staint. Res., 1947-1980. Typha. Loc. c. occurring in most localities where the foodplant grows (see Jermyn, 1974. Map R). 48 *Plaistow (SW). 96