Agapeta hamana (Linn.) Res., 1870-1980. Carduus. Wdspd and abdt. 49 *Woodford, by W. Cole Passmore Edwards Museum). A. zoegana (Linn.) Res., (1794)-1980. Centaurea, Scabiosa. Wdspd and c: ab. ferrugana Haw. has been recorded from both vice-counties. 49 *Epping Forest (Donovan, 1794). Aethes tesserana ([D. & S.]) Res., (1889)-1980. Picris, Hieracium, etc. Loc. c. in the east of the county, especially in dry, coastal localities. 88 *Leigh-on-Sea (Vaughan, 1889). A. hartmanniana (Clerck) Res., (1889)-1980. Knautia, Scabiosa. Loc. c. in dry situations. VC 18.49 Woodford, by W. Cole (Passmore Edwards Museum); 40 Epping (VCH); 57 Purfleet (Thurnall, 1902); 88 *Eastwood (Vaughan, 1889; Whittle, 1901a). Whittle's specimen has been confirmed by dissection. VC 19. 62 Lindsell; 63 Great Sandford; 84 Liston (AME); 91 Layer- de-la-Haye (VCH). A. piercei Obraztsov NRR., 1866-(1902). Succisa. R., having occurred in marshy situations. VC 18. 49 *Loughton, by Meek in a marshy hollow (Knaggs, 1867); Epping Forest, between High Beach and the 'Robin Hood'; 69 near Brentwood (Thurnall, 1902); 98 Great Wakering, 8/9 July 1915 (FGW), but this specimen, now in the BM(NH), may be misidentified A. hartmanniana. VC 19.02 Colchester (Harwood, 1867-1868). A. margarotana (Dub.) NRR., 1890-1933. Eryngium. Formerly f.c. at "several places on the Essex coast" (Elisha, 1891), but perhaps now extinct owing to the decline of the foodplant. VC 18.98 Shoeburyness, reared in 1892 from larvae received from GE (Bankes diary). VC 19. 11 *Colne Point to Clacton-on-Sea, the classic locality. The most recent records I have traced are a series reared by WSG in May 1933 from larvae collected on 6 October 1932 at St Osyth (coll. Greenslade). A. williana (Brahm) Res., 1871-1980. Daucus. Wdspd and f.c. in dry coastal situations; loc and r. inland. VC 18. Many sites on or near the coast from 57 West Thurrock (AME) to Hazeleigh (Raynor, 1899). 88 *Southend (Machin, 1871c). VC 19. 84 Liston, 1978 (AME); 02 Colchester district (Barrett, 1887-1888). A. cnicana (Westw.) Res., (1859)-1972. Cirsium spp. Loc. and rather r. VC 18. 49 Epping Forest, formerly taken by WM (Thurnall, 1902); 40 *Epping (Wilkinson, 1859); 50 Stondon Massey (DCT); 88 Hadleigh (DGD); Eastwood (Whittle, 1899b); 89 Rochford (HCH). VC 19.53 Rowney Wood, f.c. (AME); 80 Ulting (HCH); 02 Colchester; 11 St Osyth (VCH). A. rubigana (Treits.) Res., (1859)-1979. Arctium. Wdspd and c. in the south; more loc. in the north. 38 *Hackney Marshes (Wilkinson, 1859). A. smeathmanniana (Fabr.) Res., (1834)-1980. Achillea, etc. Wdspd and v.c. 49 *Epping Forest (Stephens, 1834:189). A. margaritana (Haw.) NRR., 1871-1955. Achillea, etc. V. loc. and r.; may persist. VC 18. 88 *Southend (Machin, 1871e); Leigh-on-Sea, r. (Vaughan, 1889); 98 Shoebury, 1955 (HCH) 101