C. subroseana (Haw.) NRR., 1899-1918. Solidago virgaurea. V. loc. and r.; perhaps now extinct in Essex. VC 18. 88 *Eastwood, reared 1899-1900 (Whittle, 1901a); 89 a wood near Rayleigh (Whittle, 1919b). C- rupicola (Curt.) Res., (1902)-1978. Eupatorium. V. loc. but f.c. where found. VC 18. 70 *The banks of the R. Chelmer near Chelmsford (Thurnall, 1902); 98 Shoebury (Whittle, 1904b, 1905a). VC 19. 52 Hatfield Forest Marsh NR, 1978, a colony possibly destroyed by the raising of the water-level (AME); 70, as under VC 18 (Thurnall, 1902). Falseuncaria ruficiliana (Haw.) Res., (1902)-1978. Primula veris. Loc. and r. VC 18. 60 *Ingatestone, reared (Thurnall, 1902). VC 19.60 Writtle A.C., 1978; 92 Aldham, c. (VCH). Cochylis roseana (Haw.) Res., 1883-1980. Dipsacus fullonum. Wdspd and c. 78 *Canvey Island (Elisha, 1883). C. flaviciliana (Westw.) NRR., (1859). Knautia. VC 18. 40 "Epping (?)....in the cabinet of....Mr Doubleday" (Wilkinson, 1859: 307-308); "Epping" (Morris, 1872) and "Essex" (Barrett, 1905; Meyrick, 1928) probably emanate from this doubtful record. Doubleday did not use data labels and Wilkinson's question mark probably indicates that Doubleday himself was uncertain of the origin of his specimens. C. dubitana (Hubn.) Res., 1898-1980. Compositae. Wdspd and c. 88 *Eastwood (Whittle, 1899b). C. hybridella (Hubn.) Res., (1889)-1980. Picris, Crepis. Wdspd and loc. c, even abdt. 88 *Leigh- on-Sea (Vaughan, 1889). C. atricapitana (Steph.) Res., (1889)4979. Senecio jacobaea. Loc. f.c., especially near the coast. VC 18. 59 Harold Wood (Thurnall, 1902); 67 Tilbury Docks (HME & TGH); 68 Mucking by CRNB (Pierce, 1918; AME); 78 Benfleet (Whittle, 1897a; AME); Thames Haven (Thurnall, 1902); 88 *Leigh-on-Sea (Vaughan, 1889); Southend; 98 Shoebury district (FGW). VC 19. 84 Liston, 1978 (AME). C. nana (Haw.) Res., 1885-1980. Betula. Wdspd and c. 69 *Brentwood (Burrows diary). TORTRICIDAE The family is the largest of the microlepidoptera. It is divided into two subfamilies, each of which is here given a separate introduction. 103