H. salicella (Linn.) Res., 1871-1979. Salix alba, other Salicaceae. Wdspd in the south, more loc. in the north, nowhere c. VC 18. 38 *Hackney Marshes (Machin, 1871b); see map. VC 19. 41 Sawbridgeworth Marsh NR; 92 Berechurch; Ol Fingringhoe Wick NR (AME); 02 Colchester, v.r. (VCH) and specimens taken in 1914 in coll. Goodson. Orthotaenia undulana ([D. & S.]) Res., (1889)-1980. Polyphagous, especially Betula. Stated to be wdspd and v.c. by VCH, AT and HCH, but they give no definite records. VC 18.49 Epping Forest (AME); 78 Benfleet (SW); 70 Thrift Wood NR (DW); 88 *Leigh-on- Sea (Vaughan, 1889; ECP-C); Eastwood; 89 Hockley (Whittle, 1899a). VC 19. 52 Broom Wood; 53 Rowney Wood (AME); 81 Wickham Bishops (GCD); 01 Fingringhoe Wick NR (AME). Pseudosciaphila branderiana (Linn.) Res., (1859)-1979. Populus tremula. Loc. f.c. VC 18. 48 Wanstead; 50 Park Woods (Thurnall, 1902); Stondon Massey (DCT); 78 Benfleet (HCH); Thundersley (DGD); 70 Danbury (AME; DGD); 88 Hadleigh; Eastwood (Whittle, 1899b; HCH); Leigh-on-Sea; 89 Rochford; 80 Woodham Walter (HCH). VC 19. 53 Quendon (AME); Thaxted (AJF); 02 Colchester district (Stainton, 1859; Wilkinson, 1859; Thurnall, 1902; coll Goodson, in 1914). Apotomis semifasciana (Haw.) Res., 1865-(1975). Salix spp. Loc. and r. VC 18.59 Warley, reared 1887-1891; 69 Brentwood (AT); 78 Thundersley (FGW); Benfleet; 88 Hadleigh; 89 Rochford (HCH); 80 Hazeleigh (VCH). VC 19. 53 *Saffron Walden (Jeffrey, 1865-1866b; 11 St Osyth (VCH). A. lineana ([D. & S.]) Res., (1859)-1979. Salix alba, S. fragilis. V. loc. and r. VC 18.38 *Banks of River Lea (Wilkinson, 1859; Croker, 1890-1891; Thurnall, 1902); Temple Mills (VCH); 39 Chingford, nine in 1893 (AT); 58 North Ockendon; 50 Stondon Massey (DCT); 78 Benfleet (Whittle, 1899a; HCH). VC 19. 81 Witham (HCH); 84 Liston, 1979 (AME); 02 Colchester (VCH). A. turbidana Hubn. Res., 1841-1979. Betula. Wdspd and c. in the south; r. in the north. VC 18. 40 *Epping (Doubleday, H., 1840-1842b); see map. VC 19. 82 Chalkney Wood (DJLA). A. betuletana (Haw.) Res., 1841-1980. Betula. Wdspd and c. in the south; loc and rather r. in the north VC 18. 40 *Epping (Doubleday, H., 1840-1842b); see map. VC 19. 51 Wall Wood; 72 High Garrett; 91 Pods Wood; 03 Dedham; 11 Maldon Wood; 12 Weeleyhall Wood NR (AME); 13 Wrabness (MEA). 114