A. badiana ([D. & S.]) Res., (1889)4980. Lathyrus, Vicia, Trifolium. Wdspd and c. 88 *Eastwood (Vaughan, 1889). A. myrtillana (Tieits.) Adv., 1890. Vaccinium myrtillus. VC 18.38 Temple Mills, one 22 June 1890 (Thurnall, 1902). The foodplant is not native, though it has been introduced at a locality in Epping Forest (Jermyn, 1974: 128); however, Whittle (1902d) plausibly suggested that the larva had been imported with the bilberry which at that time was being used as packing for drain-pipes manufactured in the north. A. apicella ([D. & S.]) Res., 1898-(1975). Frangula alnus. V. loc. and r. VC 18.69 Brentwood (Thurnall, 1902); 78 Thundersley (GHC; FGW);88 *Eastwood (Whittle, 1899b); Hadleigh (FGW; HCH). VC 19.02 Colchester by WHH (Thurnall, 1902). Epinotia pygmaeana (Hubn.) Res., 1969-1980. Picea. V. loc. c. in the north-west. VC 19.43 High Wood; 53 Rowney Wood, f.c. (AME). E. subocellana (Don.) Res., (1889)-1979. Salix. Described as v.c. by VCH, AT and HCH, who give no localities: under-recorded. 88 *Eastwood (Vaughan, 1889). E. bilunana (Haw.) Res., (1889)-1979. Betula. Loc. and less c. than formerly. VC 18.48 Wanstead (AT); 49 Hainault Forest (AME); 58 Hornchurch (PCF); 59 Warley (AT; FGW); 50 Stondon Massey (DCT); 69 Brentwood (GHC); 78 Thundersley; 88 Belfairs (DGD); *Eastwood (Vaughan, 1889; FGW); 89 Hockley, by GHC (coll. T.B. Fletcher. VC 19. 53 Rowney Wood, one 1971 (AME); 82 Chalkney Wood (DJLA). E. ramella (Linn.) Res., 1866-1979. Betula. Loc. and only f.c. 53 *Saffron Walden (Jeffrey, 1865-1866b). E. demarniana (Fisch, v. Rosl.) Res., 1888-1980. Betula, Alnus, Salix. Loc. and rather r. VC 18. 49 Epping Forest (DJLA); Loughton (AT); 59 Warley (AT; ECP-C); 67 Grays Chalk Pit (AME); 69 Ingrave (IM); *Brentwood (Burrows diary); 79 Rettendon; 70 Danbury (HCH); Little Baddow (AME); 88 Hadleigh (HCH); Leigh-on-Sea (Vaughan, 1889; HCH).VC 19.11 St Osyth, r. (VCH). E. immundana (Fisch, v. Rosl.) Res., (1899)-1980. Betula, Alnus. Wdspd and f.c.; increasing. 88 *Eastwood, (Whittle, 1899a). E. tetraquetrana (Haw.) Res., (1889)-1980. Betula, Alnus. Loc. f.c. in south; r. in the north. 88 *Eastwood, abdt (Vaughan, 1889). 118