E. pauperana (Dup.) Res., 1865-1978. Rosa canina. V. loc. and r. VC 19. 53 'Saffron Walden (Jeffrey, 1865-1866b), where it continued to be taken at least until 1885 (Warren, 1885-1886b); 54 Bartlow Hills, larvae 1978 (AME). E. pupillana (Clerck) Res. (1834)-1979 Artemisia absinthium.*"Essex (coast)" (Stephens, 1834: 123). Until E. maritima was named in 1845, it was confused with E. pupillana The former is a coastal species and Stephens' record may well refer to it. Nevertheless, it is repeated by Stainton, 1859; Wilkinson, 1859; Barrett, 1907; Meyrick, 1928 and Bradley et al., 1979. There are only two certain records from the county. VC 18.49 Chigwell Row, July 1979 (IS). The foodplant occurs at Redbridge, a mile or two away (Jermyn, 1974: 159); 67 Tilbury Docks, six in 1938 (HME & TGH). E. hohenwartiana ([D. & S.]) Res., 1892-1980. Centaurea. Wdspd and abdt. The small f. parvulana, which has been considered a distinct species, is also wdspd. 78 *Benfleet (FGW). E. fulvana (Steph.) Res., (1902)-1980. Centaurea scabiosa. Regarded by some to be a form of the last species. V. loc. and r. in the south but wdspd and f.c. in the north; Thurnall, (1902) stated that it occurred only in northern Essex and Huggins never recorded it. VC 18.68 Mucking by CRNB (Pierce, 1918); 78 Benfleet (Wakely, 1934-1935). VC 19.41 Little Hallingbury (RWJU); 43 Littlebury; 44 Strethall; 53 Saffron Walden; Rowney Wood; 54 Little Chesterford; 63 Great Sampford (AME); 81 Tiptree (SW); 22 Great Oakley (AME); 23 Harwich, no further data (Liverpool Museum). E. cana (Haw.) Res., (1889)-1980. Cirsium vulgare, Centaurea nigra, Carduus spp. Wdspd and abdt. 88 *Leigh-on-Sea (Vaughan, 1889). E. obumbratana (L. & Z) Res., (1889)4980. Sonchus arvensis. Wdspd and f.c. 88 *Leigh-on-Sea (Vaughan, 1889). Thiodia citrana (Hubn.) Res., (1847)-1980. Compositae. Loc. f.c. It became temporarily r. and Thurnall (1902) feared it had become extinct in Essex; it now seems to have recovered. VC 18. 88 *Southend, where the first British specimens were taken between 1845 and 1850 (Stevens, 1871-1872); Newman (1847) narrows the date further. See map. VC 19. 50 Ongar, 1962 and 1964 (DCT); 81 Wickham Bishops (GCD); 11 Colne Point NR (MH); 23 Harwich (AME). Spilonota ocellana ([D. & S.]) Res., (1889)4980. Polyphagous. Wdspd and c. 88 *Leigh-on-Sea (Vaughan, 1889). S. laricana (Hein.) Res., 1887-1980. Larix. Loc. and r. May be a form of the last species. VC 18. 59 *Warley Common, 12 beaten from larch (AT). VC 19. 51 Hatfield Forest, reared (AME). Clavigesta purdeyi (Durr.) Res., 1958-1980. Pinus sylvestris. A recent colonist, now well established in some coniferous plantations. VC 18. 88 *Westcliff-on-Sea, two 10 and 18 August 1958 (HCH); 00 Bradwell-on-Sea (AME). VC 19.41 Little Hallingbury (RWJU); 43 High Wood; 91 Pods Wood; 12 Weeleyhall Wood NR (AME). 124