Donacaula mucronellus ([D. & S.]) Res., c.1935-1976. Carex riparia, Phragmites, Glyceria maxima. Loc. and r., appearing more so than it is, because it is seldom observed. VC 18. 78 Thundersley, r. (DGD); 88 Westcliff-on-Sea, 15 July 1955; 99 Canewdon, 1957 (HCH); 90 Bradwell-on-Sea, 21 July 1954 (AJD). VC 19.41 Little Hallingbury, 1976 (RWJU); 72 *Bocking; 83 *Henney (WSG). Acentria nivea (Olivier) Res., (1859)-1980. Elodea, Potamogeton, etc. Wdspd but erratic in numbers. 02 *Colchester (Stainton, 1859). Scopariinae Medium-sized moths with forewings relatively more short and broad than those of the preceding subfamilies. The adults rest by day on tree-trunks or lichen-clad walls and are accordingly cryptically-patterned, having their whitish background more or less heavily overlaid with grey or brownish bands or mottling; thence they have received the English name of 'greys'. Several of the species are very similar and difficult to distinguish. The larvae feed from silken tubes on mosses, lichens or the roots of herbaceous plants. The adults fly by night and readily come to light, several of them being exceedingly common. Ten of the 13 British species have been recorded in Essex. Scoparia subfusca (Haw.) (cembrella sensu auctt.) Res., (1886)-1980. Roots of Picris, Tussilago. Wdspd and f.c. 88 *Southend; 02 *Colchester (Leech, 1886). S. pyralella ([D. & S.D (arundinata (Thunb.)) Res., (1886)4980. Leaf-litter. Wdspd and abdt. 88 *Southend; 02 *Colchester (Leech, 1886). S. ambigualis (Treits.) Res., 1868-1980. ?Mosses. Wdspd and abdt. 49 *High Beach (Boyd diary). S. basistrigalis Knaggs Res., 1868-1977. Life history unknown. Loc. and rather r. VC 18.49 *High Beach, 25 May 1868 (Boyd diary); 68 Mucking by CRMB, 1902 (coll. Whittle); 78 Thundersley (DGD); 79 Rettendon; 88 Hadleigh (HCH); 80 Hazeleigh (VCH). VC 19. 41 Little Hallingbury (RWJU); 51 Wall Wood; 53 Saffron Walden (AME); 13 Stour Wood, r. (GFM); 23 Dovercourt (VCH). 136