surface of the water, though some species construct a portable case of leaf- fragments which is allowed to float. The adults are mainly nocturnal and come to light. All four of the resident species occur in Essex. Recently, however, eight foreign species, mainly from the far east, have been found breeding in aquatic nurseries, mostly in Hertfordshire near the Essex border. They cannot survive in the open, but anyone who purchases these plants for his aquarium is quite likely to get some of the larvae into the bargain. Nymphula nympheata (Linn.) Res., (1834)-1980. Potamogeton and other aquatic plants. Wdspd and c.; under-recorded in north Essex. 40 *Epping by Doubleday (Stephens, 1834:39). Parapoynx stratiotata (Linn.) Res., 1867-1978. Potamogeton and other aquatic plants. Wdspd and f.c. 02 *Colchester (Harwood, 1867-1868). P. stagnata (Don.) Res., (1886)-1979. Sparganium, Nuphar lutea. Loc. and rather r. VC 18.38 Leyton; 48 Wanstead (AT); 68 Bulphan; 89 Stambridge (HCH); 90 Bradwell-on-Sea (AJD). VC 19. 41 Sawbridgeworth Marsh NR (G.H.B.Sell); 80 Ulting (HCH); 82 Bradwell (AME); 83 Henney (WSG and GH in coll. Wakely); 02 *Colchester (Leech, 1886; coll. Purdey). Cataclysta lemnata (Linn.) Res., (1834)4979. Lemna spp. Wdspd and loc. c, especially in the south. 40 *Epping by Doubleday (Stephens, 1834: 40). Evergestinae Large to very large moths with broad, triangular forewings which are ochreous or yellow with darker markings. The larvae feed on Cruciferae, sometimes gregariously; E. forficalis is sometimes a pest in market gardens. The adults fly at night and come to light. All three British species occur in Essex. Evergestis forficalis (Linn.) Res., (1834)-1980. Cruciferae. Wdspd and v.c. 40 *Epping by Doubleday (Stephens, 1834:46). 138