A distinctive subfamily of medium-sized to large moths with more or less elongate forewings. There is often marked sexual dimorphism in the size, shape and pattern of the wings. The larvae of most of the British species feed, often gregariously, either in the nests of Hymenoptera or on stored products, some being of economic importance. The adults are nocturnal and are seldom seen apart from A. sociella, which comes readily to light. Six of the seven British species have been recorded in Essex, the other being a rare adventive. Galleria mellonella (Linn.) Res., (1834)-1979. On the comb in bee-hives. Wdspd but less c. than formerly owing to improved methods of bee-keeping. VC 18.49 Epping Forest (Mendola, 1891); 40 *Epping (Stephens, 1834:295); 69 Ingrave, 1966 (KWG); 79 East Hanningfield, reared commonly 1976 (DGD); 88 Eastwood (FGW); Westcliff-on-Sea (HCH); 89 Hockley (DM); 80 Maldon (VCH); 98 Shoeburyness (Whittle, 1899a). VC 19.50 Ongar (DCT); 63 Thaxted (AJF); 72 Bocking (WSG); 02 Colchester (VCH); 23 Copperas Wood; Dovercourt; Harwich, 1977 (MEA). Achroia grisella (Fabr.) Res., (1903)-1979. In bee-hives, mainly on old combs. Wdspd but, like G. mellonella, less c. than formerly. VC 18. 58 Rainham (GSR); 68 Mucking by CRNB (Pierce, 1918); 78 Benfleet, 1977 (KRT & JEC); 88 Southend (FGW); Leigh-on-Sea; Westcliff-on-Sea; 89 Rochford; Stambridge (HCH);80 *Hazeleigh (VCH). VC 19.50 Ongar, 1966 (DCT); 02 *Colchester (VCH). Corcyra cephalonica (Staint.) Adv., later res., 1910-1951; though NRR., probably still occurring. Dried fruit and stored foodstuffs in shops and warehouses. Loc. f .c. VC 18. 88 Westcliff-on-Sea, 1951; Southend, 1949 (HCH). VC 19. 02 *Colchester, 1910, long series in colls Adkin, Goodson and Purdey (Harwood, 1911). Aphomia sociella (Linn.) Res., 1885-1980. Nests of wasps and humble-bees. Wdspd and v.c. 49 *Loughton (Thurnall, 1886). Melissoblaptes zelleri (Joan.) ?Vag. from Suffolk where it is res., (1928). Moss. Recorded once only. VC 19. Harwich district; "I took one here flying to my lantern on the sandhills" (GFM, record undated). Paralispa gularis (Zell.) Adv., perhaps now res., c. 1933. Stored fruits, nuts and grain. VC 18. 48 A long series in the BMNH labelled "East London" and "East London Docks" is assumed to include examples taken in docks east as well as west of the River Lea. 145